waterloo.ai | resolve | | MAT | | | | | | A |
afow.ca | resolve | | ACC | | | a3kane | | Accounting and Finance Orientation Week (ACC) | A
A |
www.canadianindexofwellbeing.ca | redirect | canadianindexofwellbeing.ca | AHS | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME canadianindexofwellbeing.ca |
catt.ca | resolve | | CIVE | | | | | Centre for Advancement of Trenchless Technologies (CIVE) | A |
ccin.ca | resolve | | GEOG | | | | | Canadian Cryospheric Information Network (GEOG) | A |
ccindata.ca | resolve | ccin.ca | GEOG | Non-WCMS | | | | | A |
cisr.ca | resolve | | PHYS | | | sforgrav | Email from Sarah (Dec.2018) - From the looks of it the new domain owner has blocked their contact info and the site is hosted in Norway. He let that site and domain expire back in 2016. | | A |
ciw.ca | resolve | | AHS | WCMS | | | DONE | Canadian Index of Wellbeing (AHS) | A |
www.ciw.ca | resolve | ciw.ca | AHS | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME ciw.ca |
cryptoworks21.ca | resolve | cryptoworks21.uw | VPA | Non-WCMS | | | | | A |
www.cstads.ca | redirect | cstads.ca | AHS | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME cstads.ca |
davidhammond.ca | resolve | | HLTHGERON | | | | | David Hammond PhD (HLTHGERON) | A |
engineerthefuture.ca | resolve | | ENG | | | | | Engineering the Future (ENG) | A
A |
www.feds.ca | redirect | feds.ca | FEDS | WCMS | | | DONE - proxy? | | CNAME feds.ca |
gowarriorsgo.ca | resolve | athletics.uw | ATHL | Non-WCMS | | | | | A |
grand-nce.ca | resolve | | NONUW | | GRAND NCE | | | | A |
greenits.ca | resolve | | ME | | | | | Green Intelligent Transportation Systems (ME) | A |
hsprn.ca | resolve | | AHS | | | | | Health System Performance Research Network (HSPRN) (AHS) | A |
ideasstarthere.ca | resolve | | REGIS | WCMS | | | | | A
A |
imprintpublications.ca | resolve | | NONUW | | | | | | A |
iqc.ca | resolve | iqc.uw | VPA | WCMS | | | DONE | | A |
www.iqc.ca | resolve | iqc.uw | VPA | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME iqc.ca |
iss4e.ca | resolve | | CS | Non-WCMS | IQC site | mmosca | | Information Systems and Science for Energy (CS) | A |
msam-uwaterloo.ca | resolve | msam.uw | ME | Non-WCMS | | | | | A |
mylaurier.ca | resolve | | NONUW | | | | UW provides backup DNS | | A |
primo.tug-libraries.on.ca | not | tugprimofront.uw | LIB | | | | | | CNAME libwebappsprd01.uw |
www.tug-libraries.on.ca | resolve | | LIB | | | | | TriUniversity Group of Libraries (TUG) (LIB) | A |
oncore-encours.ca | resolve | | AHS | | | | | OnCore (AVP-AS) | A
A |
polardata.ca | resolve | | GEOG | | | | | Polar Data Catalogue (GEOG) | A |
polardatacatalog.ca | resolve | polardata.ca | GEOG | Non-WCMS | | | | | A |
polardatacatalogue.ca | resolve | polardata.ca | GEOG | Non-WCMS | | | | | A |
polarmetadata.ca | resolve | polardata.ca | GEOG | Non-WCMS | | | | | A |
qcintro.ca | resolve | | VPA | | IQC site | jszimans | | | A |
qeyssat.ca | resolve | | VPA | WCMS | IQC project | | DONE | | A |
www.reapwaterloo.ca | resolve | | ART | | | | | REAP | Research Entrepreneurs Accelerating Prosperity (ENV) | A |
sharcnet.ca | resolve | | NONUW | Non-WCMS | SharcNet | | | | A |
sju.ca | resolve | | STJ | | | | | St. Jerome's University (STJ) | A |
swagshop.sju.ca | resolve | | STJ | | | | | | A |
www.sju.ca | resolve | sju.ca | STJ | | | | | | CNAME sju.ca |
socc.ca | resolve | ccin.ca | GEOG | | | | | | A |
sowc.ca | resolve | | VP-URES | | Water Consortium | | sowc-ceso.ca is the french version | Southern Ontario Water Consortium (VP-URES) | A |
teamwaterloop.ca | resolve | | ENG | | | | | Waterloop (ENG) | A
A |
the-ria.ca | resolve | | HLTHGERON | | | | | Schlegel-UW Research Institute for Aging (RIA) (HLTHGERON) | A |
transeducation.ca | resolve | | PHARM | | | | | Transgender Education (AVP-AS) | A
A |
www.transeducation.ca | resolve | transeducation.ca | PHARM | | | | | | A
A |
uwaft.ca | resolve | | ME | WCMS | | | Waiting for redirect | University of Waterloo Alternative Fuels Team (ME) | A |
uwat.ca | resolve | | IST | | | | | URL Shortener uwat.ca (IST) | A |
uwaterloo.ca | resolve | | VP-UREL | WCMS | | | DONE | Waterloo Homepage & Pathway Pages (VP-UREL) | A
A |
aarfy.uw | resolve | | | | | | IIS default page | | A |
abacus.uw | resolve | | CHEM | | | huang | | | A |
accnews.uw | resolve | | ACC | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME watarts.uw |
www.accnews.uw | resolve | accnews.uw | ACC | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME watarts.uw |
accounting.uw | resolve | | ACC | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME watarts.uw |
www.accounting.uw | resolve | accounting.uw | ACC | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME watarts.uw |
ace.uw | resolve | | CHEM | | | | | Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment (ACE) (CHEM) | CNAME acebox2.uw |
www.ace.uw | resolve | ace.uw | CHEM | | | info@scisat.ca | | | CNAME acebox2.uw |
acebox.uw | resolve | | CHEM | | | | Landing page directing to http://www.ace.uwaterloo.ca/ | | CNAME acebox2.uw |
acebox2.uw | resolve | | CHEM | | | sjconsta | unable to connect | | A |
aco.uw | resolve | | ART | WCMS | | | DONE | Arts Computing Office (ART) | CNAME watarts.uw |
www.aco.uw | resolve | aco.uw | ART | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME watarts.uw |
acoserv1.uw | resolve | | | | | | | | A |
www.ahs.admissions.uw | resolve | | AHS | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME healthy.uw |
adv-web1.uw | resolve | alumniecommunity.uw | VP-AD | Non-WCMS | | | | | A |
adv-wspr-wb-01.uw | resolve | advcomm.uw | VP-AD | Non-WCMS | | | | | A |
advcomm.uw | resolve | | VP-AD | | | | 403 | | CNAME adv-wspr-wb-01.uw |
advising.uw | resolve | | CS | | | | See https://cs.uwaterloo.ca/cscf/resources/web/ | | A |
aef.uw | resolve | | ART | WCMS | | | DONE | Arts Endowment Fund (ART) | CNAME agora.uw |
afc.uw | resolve | | KIN | WCMS | | | DONE | Age Friendly Communities (KIN) | CNAME healthy.uw |
www.afc.uw | resolve | | KIN | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME healthy.uw |
affinity.uw | resolve | arts.uw | ART | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME watarts.uw |
afm.uw | resolve | accounting.uw | ACC | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME watarts.uw |
www.afm.uw | resolve | accounting.uw | ACC | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME watarts.uw |
agileship-prod.uw | resolve | | VP-AF | | | tbeatson | Related: agileshipii-pr.uwaterloo.ca | | A |
agileshipii-pr.uw | resolve | | VP-AF | | | tbeatson | Related: agileship-prod.uwaterloo.ca | Central Stores Shipping System (VP-AF) | A |
agora.uw | resolve | arts.uw | ART | WCMS | | sean | DONE | | A |
ahs.uw | resolve | | AHS | WCMS | | | DONE | Consumer Health Informatics Research Partners (HLTHGERON), Digital Industrial Ergonomics and Shoulder Evaluation Laboratory (DIESEL) (KIN), Health (AHS), Kinesiology and Health Sciences (KIN), School of Public Health Sciences (HLTHGERON) | CNAME healthy.uw |
www.ahs.uw | resolve | ahs.uw | AHS | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME healthy.uw |
ahsco.uw | resolve | | AHS | WCMS | | | DONE | Health Computing Office (AHS) | CNAME healthy.uw |
www.ahsco.uw | resolve | ahsco.uw | AHS | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME healthy.uw |
ahscoserv.uw | resolve | | AHS | | | | | | A |
www.ahsorientation.uw | resolve | | AHS | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME healthy.uw |
ahsum.uw | resolve | | AHS | WCMS | | | DONE | Association of Health Students Undergraduate Members (AHS) | CNAME healthy.uw |
www.ahsum.uw | resolve | | AHS | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME healthy.uw |
www.aidl.uw | resolve | | SYDE | WCMS | | | DONE | Advanced Interface Design Lab (SYDE) | CNAME ecserv15.uw |
air.uw | resolve | | EARTH | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME science.uw |
www.air.uw | resolve | air.uw | EARTH | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME science.uw |
algcomp.uw | resolve | | CS | | Research Group | | Second Choice: algcomp@cs.uwaterloo.ca | Algorithms & Complexity Group (CS) | CNAME haproxy.cs.uw |
animallovers.uw | resolve | | FEDS | | Club | | See http://csclub.uwaterloo.ca/~yj7kim/services/clubs.xml | | CNAME csclub.uw |
anjou.uw | resolve | | ECE | | Personal | p23lam | | | A |
anthropology.uw | resolve | | ANTH | WCMS | | | DONE | Anthropology (ANTH) | CNAME watarts.uw |
www.anthropology.uw | resolve | anthropology.uw | ANTH | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME watarts.uw |
www.aoc.uw | resolve | arts.uw | ART | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME watarts.uw |
api.uw | resolve | | IST | WCMS | | | DONE | Open Data API (IST) | A |
apogeeb.uw | resolve | | | | | | 403 | | A |
grad.apply.uw | resolve | | | | | | | | CNAME cluster.ca-central-1.technolutions.net |
apr.uw | resolve | wihs.uw | CLASSICS | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME watarts.uw |
www.apr.uw | resolve | arts.uw | ART | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME watarts.uw |
aquaponics.uw | resolve | | ME | | | | | Aquaponics Design Team (UWAQ) (CIVE) | CNAME csclub.uw |
arbeau.uw | resolve | | ECE | | | | | | CNAME ecesyslog2.uw |
archery.uw | resolve | | ATHL | | Club | b2lai | | Waterloo Archery Club (ATHL) | CNAME csclub.uw |
arcserv5.uw | resolve | | ARCH | | | | | | A |
arcserv6.uw | resolve | | ARCH | | | | "Test Page on arcserv6" See https://uwaterloo.ca/architecture/printer-setup | | A |
artgallery.uw | resolve | | FINE | Non-WCMS | Gallery | | | Art Gallery (FINE) | CNAME agora.uw |
www.artgallery.uw | resolve | artgallery.uw | FINE | Non-WCMS | Gallery | | | | CNAME agora.uw |
arts.uw | resolve | | ART | WCMS | | | DONE | Arts (ART), Arts Computer Experience (ACE) Camp (ART), Vision and Attention Lab (PSYCH) | CNAME watarts.uw |
www.arts.uw | resolve | arts.uw | ART | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME watarts.uw |
artsat50.uw | resolve | | ART | WCMS | Event | | DONE | Arts at 50 (ART) | CNAME watarts.uw |
www.artsat50.uw | resolve | artsat50.uw | ART | WCMS | Event | | DONE | | CNAME watarts.uw |
artslab.uw | resolve | | ART | | | | Arts computing lab statistics | | A |
artslist.uw | resolve | | ART | | | | Insecure connection | | CNAME artsservices.uw |
artsmail.uw | resolve | mailservices.uw | IST | | | | | | CNAME mailservices.uw |
artsonline.uw | resolve | | ART | WCMS | | | Mac server | | A |
artsservices.uw | resolve | | ART | | | | | | A |
artsvacation.uw | resolve | | ART | | | | login required | | CNAME artsservices.uw |
artsweb.uw | resolve | | ART | | | | wordpress site | Sociology Society (SOC) | CNAME artsnexus2.uw |
www.artsweb.uw | resolve | | ART | | | | Untrusted connection | | CNAME artsnexus2.uw |
asclub.uw | resolve | | STATACTSC | Non-WCMS | Club | i2ching | | Actuarial Science Club (STATACTSC) | CNAME csclub.uw |
asic.uw | resolve | | ECE | | Student Team | lszepani | | ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) team (ECE) | CNAME uwasic1.uw |
www.asic.uw | resolve | asic.uw | ECE | | | uwasic@vlsi.uwaterloo.ca | | | CNAME uwasic1.uw |
asimov.uw | resolve | | CS | | See https://cs.uwaterloo.ca/twiki/view/CF/CSApplicationServer | | Unable to connect | | CNAME asimov.cscf.uw |
astro.uw | resolve | | PHYS | WCMS | Research Group | | DONE | Waterloo Centre for Astrophysics (PHYS) | A |
asu.uw | resolve | | ART | WCMS | Society | | DONE | Arts Student Union (ART) | CNAME agora.uw |
www.asu.uw | resolve | asu.uw | ART | WCMS | Union | | DONE | | CNAME agora.uw |
asu-test.uw | resolve | arts.uw | ART | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME agora.uw |
athabasca.uw | resolve | | PLAN | | | rdfeick | White screen; Win XP | | A |
athletics.uw | resolve | | ATHL | | | swbrooks | | Athletics (ATHL) | CNAME waterloo.sidearmsports.com |
www.athletics.uw | resolve | athletics.uw | ATHL | Non-WCMS | Warriors | jhagen | | | CNAME waterloo.sidearmsports.com |
audiolab.uw | resolve | | SCI | | Research Group | jv@uwaterloo.ca | connection timed out | | CNAME audiorouter.uw |
audit.uw | resolve | | UW | | | | | | CNAME ecserv18.uw |
badmintonclub.uw | resolve | | ATHL | | Club | flgoh | | UW Badminton Club (ATHL) | CNAME csclub.uw |
www.badmintonclub.uw | resolve | badmintonclub.uw | ATHL | | Club | flgoh | | | CNAME csclub.uw |
bafm.uw | resolve | accounting.uw | ACC | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME watarts.uw |
base.uw | resolve | | UW | | | | | Black Association for Student Expression (UW) | CNAME csclub.uw |
baton.uw | resolve | | CGC | | Sub-site of orchestra@uwaterloo | | | | CNAME baton.cs.uw |
bbcr.uw | resolve | | ECE | WCMS | Research Group | djcross | Waiting for redirect | Broadband Communications Research Lab (ECE) | A |
bcfm.uw | resolve | cfm.uw | VPA | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME haproxy.cs.uw |
www.bcfm.uw | resolve | cfm.uw | VPA | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME haproxy.cs.uw |
bearandbull.uw | resolve | | FEDS | | Club | vsvig | | | CNAME csclub.uw |
bebop.uw | resolve | | ENG | | | hntam | connection timed out | | A |
beehive.uw | resolve | | PSYCH | | Personal | bee | | The beeHive (PSYCH) | CNAME watarts.uw |
belligerent.uw | resolve | | | | | | "Go away" | | A |
bernath.uw | resolve | | CHEM | | Personal | bernath | server=acebox2.uwaterloo.ca | | CNAME acebox2.uw |
bibhw.uw | resolve | | CLASSICS | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME watarts.uw |
bic.uw | resolve | | FEDS | | Club | | Second Choice: ic.uwaterloo.ca@gmail.com | Bioinformatics Club (MAT) | CNAME caffeine.csclub.uw |
big.uw | resolve | | CS | | | | unable to connect | | CNAME styx.shoshin.uw |
bioengineering.uw | resolve | | VPA | WCMS | | | DONE | Centre for Bioengineering and Biotechnology (VPA) | CNAME ecserv15.uw |
www.bioinformatics.uw | resolve | | BIOL | | | | connection timed out | | CNAME monod.uw |
biomems.uw | resolve | | SYDE | | Lab | jyeow | | Advanced Micro- / Nano- Devices Lab (SYDE) | CNAME ecserv15.uw |
blox.uw | resolve | | ENG | Non-WCMS | | | Erick Engelke | | CNAME dark.uw |
bluebox.uw | resolve | | ERS | | | | connection timed out | | A |
bootcamp.uw | resolve | anjou.uw | ECE | | Personal | p23lam | | | CNAME anjou.uw |
bordeaux.uw | resolve | wvlc.uw | UW | | Center | mayfield | connection timed out | | CNAME colin6.uw |
brainbee.uw | resolve | | KIN | WCMS | Event | | DONE | | CNAME healthy.uw |
www.brainbee.uw | resolve | | KIN | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME healthy.uw |
brittlab.uw | resolve | | PSYCH | | | | | Britt Anderson Group (PSYCH) | CNAME artsresearch.uw |
brittlab4.uw | resolve | | PSYCH | | | | Neuroscience lab | | A |
bsc.uw | resolve | | FEDS | | Club | | | Biochemistry Survivor Club (UW) | CNAME csclub.uw |
www.bsc.uw | resolve | bsc.uw | FEDS | | Club | | | | CNAME csclub.uw |
bulletin.uw | resolve | | VP-UREL | WCMS | News | bbgsweet | DONE | Daily Bulletin (VP-UREL) | CNAME led-c.uw |
ca.uw | resolve | | IST | | | | | | CNAME gorgon.uw |
cacr.uw | resolve | | CO | | Center | | | Centre for Applied Cryptographic Research (CO) | CNAME www.math.uw |
www.cacr.uw | resolve | cacr.uw | CO | Non-WCMS | Center | | | | CNAME www.math.uw |
cae.uw | resolve | | ACC | WCMS | | | DONE | Centre for Accounting Ethics (ACC) | CNAME agora.uw |
caesr.uw | resolve | | ECE | | Research Group | hdpatel | | Computer Architecture and Embedded Systems Research Group (ECE) | CNAME uhuru.uw |
cals.uw | resolve | | REC | | Association | smale | Second Choice: ahsweb@healthy.uwaterloo.ca | Canadian Association for Leisure Studies (REC) | CNAME healthy.uw |
www.cals.uw | resolve | cals.uw | REC | | | smale | Second Choice: ahsweb@healthy.uwaterloo.ca | | CNAME healthy.uw |
calum.uw | resolve | csclub.uw | FEDS | Non-WCMS | Club | | | | CNAME csclub.uw |
campusiis.uw | resolve | | IST | | | | Root is 404 | | A |
campusrec.uw | resolve | athletics.uw | ATHL | Non-WCMS | | jhagen | | Campus Recreation (ATHL) | CNAME waterloo.sidearmsports.com |
canada30.uw | resolve | | UW | Non-WCMS | Conference site | | | | CNAME artsonline.uw |
www.canada30.uw | resolve | canada30.uw | UW | Non-WCMS | | | | | CNAME artsonline.uw |
canadianfoodstudies.uw | resolve | | GEOG | | | edesjard | | Canadian Food Studies (LIB) | A |
capds.uw | resolve | | ECE | | Center | jstreet | Second Choice: webmaster@capds.uwaterloo.ca | Centre for Advanced Photovoltaic Devices and Systems (ECE) | A |
www.capds.uw | resolve | capds.uw | ECE | | | jstreet | | | CNAME capds.uw |
cape.uw | resolve | | | | | | | | A
A |
capitalmarkets.uw | resolve | | ACC | | | | Forbidden | | CNAME csclub.uw |
capsi.uw | resolve | | PHARM | Non-WCMS | | | | | CNAME csclub.uw |
careerhub.uw | resolve | | AVP-AS | | | | | CareerHub (AVP-AS) | CNAME grayfox.uw |
carg.uw | resolve | | ECE | | | | | Computer Architecture Reading Group (ECE) | CNAME uhuru.uw |
cartylecture.uw | resolve | science.uw | SCI | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME science.uw |
cas.uw | resolve | | IST | | | | | Central Authentication Service (CAS) (IST) | A |
cas-dev.uw | resolve | | IST | | | | CAS dev server | | A |
cbet.uw | resolve | | CBET | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME ecserv15.uw |
www.cbet.uw | resolve | cbet.uw | CBET | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME ecserv15.uw |
cclr.uw | resolve | | OPTOM | Non-WCMS | Center | a3mcinto | | | A |
cclrserv2.uw | resolve | | OPTOM | | | | Under construction | | A |
ccng.uw | resolve | | ECE | | Personal | pasward | | | A |
www.ccng.uw | resolve | ccng.uw | ECE | | Personal | pasward | | | A |
ccnga.uw | resolve | | CS | | | | unable to connect | | CNAME big.uw |
jobmine.ccol.uw | redirect | jobmine.uw | CECS | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME fang.uw |
cdswr.uw | resolve | | REN | WCMS | Center | mfeldsko | DONE | Centre for Dialogue and Spirituality in the World Religions (REN) | CNAME artsonline.uw |
ce.uw | resolve | | AVP-AS | | Sub-site of Centre for Extended Learning | | | | CNAME redfox.uw |
secure.ce.uw | resolve | | AVP-AS | | | | this page must be viewed over secure channel try using https error see http://ce.uwaterloo.ca/ | | CNAME redfox.uw |
cecadev.uw | resolve | | CECS | | | | | | CNAME pole.uw |
cel.uw | resolve | dce.uw | AVP-AS | WCMS | | dbean | DONE | Centre for Extended Learning (AVP-AS) | A |
my.cel.uw | resolve | | AVP-AS | | | | In use as of 2017-10 | | A |
www.cel.uw | resolve | dce.uw | AVP-AS | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME redfox.uw |
cel-linux-prod-1-mmg.uw | resolve | | AVP-AS | | | | Login page | | A |
cel-linux-prod-lb-1.uw | resolve | | AVP-AS | | | | 404 | | A |
cemc.uw | resolve | | MAT | | Center | kaschnar | | Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing (MAT) | A |
cscircles.cemc.uw | resolve | | MAT | | | kaschner | This is an educational website to learn Python programming. | Computer Science Circles (CS) | CNAME cemclinux11.math.uw |
www.cemc.uw | resolve | cemc.uw | MAT | | Center | kaschnar | | | CNAME cemc.uw |
cess.uw | resolve | chemsoc.uw | CHE | | Student Society | | Second Choice: uwcess@uwaterloo.ca | | CNAME ecserv15.uw |
cfm.uw | resolve | | VPA | WCMS | | | DONE | Computing and Financial Management (VPA) | CNAME haproxy.cs.uw |
www.cfm.uw | resolve | cfm.uw | VPA | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME haproxy.cs.uw |
cgjsc-rcessc.uw | resolve | | SOC | | | dhofmann | Online Journal | Canadian Graduate Journal of Sociology and Criminology (SOC) | A |
cgl.uw | resolve | www.cgl.uw | CS | | | | Unable to connect See http://www.cgl.uwaterloo.ca/ | | A |
esen.cgl.uw | resolve | | | | | | connection timed out | | A |
neque.cgl.uw | resolve | | CGC | | | | connection timed out | | A |
www.cgl.uw | resolve | | CS | | Lab | wmcowan | | Computer Graphics Lab (CS) | CNAME haproxy.cs.uw |
cgsa.uw | resolve | | AHS | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME healthy.uw |
champion.uw | resolve | | PHYS | WCMS | | | DONE | | A |
charisma2010.uw | resolve | | CS | | Event | aashkan | server=www152.cs.uwaterloo.ca | Conference on Characteristics, Risk and Management (CS) | CNAME haproxy.cs.uw |
chef.uw | resolve | | IST | | | | Timeout | | CNAME minerve.uw |
chemclub.uw | resolve | | SCI | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME science.uw |
chemeng.uw | resolve | | CHE | WCMS | | | DONE | Chemical Engineering (CHE) | CNAME cheserv25.uw |
chemsoc.uw | resolve | | CHE | | Student Society | uwcess | | Chemical Engineering Student Society (CHE) | CNAME ecserv15.uw |
chester.uw | resolve | | MAT | WCMS | Event | | DONE | | CNAME agora.uw |
chil.uw | resolve | | CS | | Lab | chil@cs.uwaterloo.ca | | Computational Health Informatics Laboratory (CS) | CNAME haproxy.cs.uw |
chimpsky.uw | resolve | | CHEM | | Plagarism Detection | mpalmer | server=mike-palmer-server.uwaterloo.ca | Chimpsky (CHEM) | CNAME mike-palmer-server.uw |
chinareach.uw | resolve | | UW | | Club | china.reach@gmail.com | | ChinaREACH (UW) | CNAME csclub.uw |
www.cirfe.uw | not | cirfe.uw | ECE | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME ecserv15.uw |
www.civil.uw | resolve | | CIVE | WCMS | | | DONE | Centre for Pavement and Transportation Technology (CIVE), Civil and Environmental Engineering (CIVE) | CNAME site.uw |
civmail.uw | resolve | | CIVE | | Mail Services | civrt@civmail.uwaterloo.ca | | Civmail (CIVE) | A |
www.civrt.uw | resolve | | CIVE | | | | login page | | CNAME civrt.uw |
cjds.uw | resolve | | ENGL | | Journal | | | Canadian Journal of Disability Studies (ENGL) | A |
cki.uw | resolve | | ENV | | | | Centre for knowledge integration | Centre for Knowledge Integration Twiki (ENV) | A |
classics.uw | resolve | | CLASSICS | WCMS | | | DONE | Classical Studies (CLASSICS) | CNAME watarts.uw |
www.classics.uw | resolve | classics.uw | CLASSICS | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME watarts.uw |
classics-labyrinth.uw | resolve | | CLASSICS | Non-WCMS | | | | Labyrinth (CLASSICS) | CNAME agora.uw |
cmclub.uw | resolve | | FEDS | | Club | compmathclub@gmail.com | | | A |
www.cmclub.uw | resolve | cmclub.uw | FEDS | | Club | compmathclub@gmail.com | | | CNAME cmclub.uw |
cmhrmystro.uw | resolve | | IST | | | | Streaming service? Related to cmhrvod.uwaterloo.ca? | VBrick Enterprise Media System (IST) | A |
saskeram.cmt.uw | resolve | | SCI | | | | connection timed out | | A |
cn-ipam-mc.uw | resolve | | IST | | | | Infoblox | | A |
cn-ipam-phy.uw | resolve | | IST | | | | Infoblox | | A |
cn-ona.uw | resolve | istns.uw | IST | Non-WCMS | | | old site? | | CNAME istns.uw |
cn-vpn.uw | resolve | | IST | | | | | UWaterloo VPN Service (IST) | CNAME po110-ftd-dist-sa-mc-untrust.nsx.uw |
cogsci.uw | resolve | | PHIL | | Lab | pthagard | | Computational Epistemology Laboratory (PHIL) | CNAME watarts.uw |
colin5.uw | resolve | | BIOL | | | mayfield | Connection timed out | See https://uwaterloo.ca/search?q=cache:YML6SbmBpDIJ:wvlc.uwaterloo.ca/biology447/LectureSerie | | A |
colin8.uw | resolve | wwwinweh.uw | CIVE | | | mayfield | connection timed outl Windows workstation | | CNAME wwwinweh.uw |
compass.uw | resolve | | HLTHGERON | WCMS | | | DONE | COMPASS System (HLTHGERON) | CNAME healthy.uw |
www.compass.uw | resolve | compass.uw | HLTHGERON | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME healthy.uw |
compneuro.uw | resolve | | PHIL | | Research Group | celiasmi | They have another website: http://ctnsrv.uwaterloo.ca/cnrglab/ | Computational Neuroscience Research Group (PHIL) | CNAME watarts.uw |
compstats.uw | resolve | | CS | | Research Group | cs-webmaster@cs.uwaterloo.ca | | Computational Statistics Group (CS) | CNAME haproxy.cs.uw |
www.computational.uw | resolve | | SCI | WCMS | | | DONE | Computational Science (SCI) | CNAME science.uw |
computermuseum.uw | resolve | | SYDE | | Museum | computer.museum@uwaterloo.ca | | University of Waterloo Computing Museum (SYDE) | A |
comsec.uw | resolve | | ECE | | Lab | | Try ggong (Professor). Old WCMS Website? | Communications Security Lab (ECE) | CNAME ecserv15.uw |
concept.uw | resolve | | | | | | | | A |
concretetoboggan.uw | resolve | | CIVE | | | | | Concrete Toboggan (CIVE) | CNAME ecserv15.uw |
connect.uw | resolve | | IST | | | | Outlook web app | Outlook Web App (IST) | A |
connections.uw | resolve | | AVP-AS | | Newsletter | jmoser | culled | Connections (AVP-AS) | CNAME redfox.uw |
www.connections.uw | resolve | connections.uw | AVP-AS | | Newsletter | jmoser | | | CNAME redfox.uw |
www.conrad.uw | resolve | cbet.uw | CBET | WCMS | Program | | DONE | Conrad School of Entrepreneurship and Business (CBET) | CNAME ecserv15.uw |
core.uw | resolve | | OPTOM | | | | | Centre for Ocular Research & Education (OPTOM) | A |
cormack.uw | resolve | | CS | | personal site | | Try: pabuhr (Professor) | | CNAME plg.uw |
cpcc.uw | resolve | | BIOL | WCMS | | | DONE | Canadian Phycological Culture Centre (BIOL) | CNAME science.uw |
cre-premus.uw | resolve | ahs.uw | AHS | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME healthy.uw |
www.cre-premus.uw | resolve | | AHS | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME healthy.uw |
creativeservices.uw | resolve | | VP-UREL | WCMS | | | DONE | Creative Studio (VP-UREL) | CNAME led-c.uw |
criticalmedia.uw | resolve | | ENGL | | Lab | marcel | | Critical Media Lab (CML) (ENGL) | CNAME agora.uw |
cryptoworks21.uw | resolve | | VPA | | | | IQC site | Cryptoworks21 (VPA) | CNAME cryptoworks21.iqc.uw |
crysp.uw | resolve | | CS | | Research Group | crysp@cs.uwaterloo.ca | | Cryptography, Security, and Privacy (CS) | A |
www.crysp.uw | resolve | crysp.uw | CS | Non-WCMS | Research Group | crysp@cs.uwaterloo.ca | | | CNAME haproxy.cs.uw |
cs.uw | resolve | | CS | WCMS | School | | DONE - proxy? | Cheriton School of Computer Science (CS) | A |
anlujo.cs.uw | resolve | | CS | | | | Only content is "It Works!" | | A |
blizzard.cs.uw | resolve | iss4e.ca | VPA | Non-WCMS | | keshav | IQC | | A |
capn.cs.uw | resolve | hci.uw | CS | | | | | | A |
crackle.cs.uw | resolve | | CS | | | | connection timed out | | A |
cups.cs.uw | resolve | | CS | | | | Unable to connect | | CNAME cups1.cs.uw |
cups1.cs.uw | resolve | | CS | | | | Unable to connect | | A |
depot.cs.uw | resolve | | CS | | | albeard | | | A |
hcilab.cs.uw | resolve | | CS | | | | The conection has timed out error | | A |
healthdoc.cs.uw | resolve | | CS | | Contains links to ai.uwaterloo.ca | cdimarco | | | A |
lank-desktop.cs.uw | resolve | | CS | | | | The conection has timed out error | | A |
lightning.cs.uw | resolve | | CS | | | | Unable to connect | | A |
lj-dc2306.cs.uw | resolve | | CS | | | | Printer | | A |
lj-dc2582.cs.uw | resolve | | CS | | | albeard | Printer | | A |
lom-ds2.cs.uw | resolve | | CS | | Login page | | | | A |
lom-swag.cs.uw | resolve | | CS | | Login page | albeard | | | A |
mirror.cs.uw | resolve | | CS | | | exec@csclub.uwaterloo.ca | Previous Note: Mirror | | CNAME mirror.csclub.uw |
olten.cs.uw | resolve | | CS | | | | Unable to connect | | A |
prefex.cs.uw | resolve | | CS | | | | No content | | A |
print.cs.uw | resolve | | CS | | | | Unable to connect | | CNAME cups1.cs.uw |
rboutaba.cs.uw | resolve | | CS | | | rboutaba | | Raouf Boutaba Research Group (CS) | CNAME nsm1.cs.uw |
rocket.cs.uw | resolve | | CS | | | | connection timed out | | CNAME rocket.uw |
scspc045.cs.uw | resolve | | CS | | | | connection timed out | | A |
scspc159.cs.uw | resolve | | CS | | | | connection timed out | | A |
scspc300.cs.uw | resolve | | CS | | | | "It works!" | | A |
student.cs.uw | resolve | www.student.cs.uw | CS | Non-WCMS | | | | | A |
acm.student.cs.uw | resolve | | CS | | | olhotak | | Waterloo Programming Contests (CS) | CNAME acm-icpc.student.cs.uw |
linux.student.cs.uw | resolve | | CS | | | | Unable to connect | | CNAME ubuntu2004.student.cs.uw |
markus.student.cs.uw | resolve | | CS | | MarkUs server | albeard | | | CNAME assignments-006.student.cs.uw |
marmoset.student.cs.uw | resolve | | CS | | Marmoset Submission and Testing Server | | login page | | CNAME assignments-006-ip2.student.cs.uw |
www.student.cs.uw | resolve | | CS | | School of Computer Science Student WWW Server | cs-webmaster@cs.uwaterloo.ca | | | CNAME haproxy.cs.uw |
t3-necsis.cs.uw | resolve | | CS | | | albeard | | NECSIS Theme 3 Public space (CS) | A |
thunk.cs.uw | resolve | | CS | | | | it works | | A |
www.cs.uw | resolve | cs.uw | CS | WCMS | School | cs-webmaster@cs.uwaterloo.ca | DONE - proxy? | | CNAME cs.uw |
wwwtest2.cs.uw | resolve | cs.uw | CS | | | | | Digital Media Enabling Technologies (CS) | CNAME dc-3558-haproxy-2004.cs.uw |
zurich.cs.uw | resolve | | CS | | | | "It Works!" | | A |
csc.uw | resolve | csclub.uw | FEDS | Non-WCMS | Club | | | | CNAME csclub.uw |
mirror.cscf.uw | resolve | | CS | | | exec@csclub.uwaterloo.ca | connection timed out | | A |
nagios.cscf.uw | resolve | | CS | | Nagios Monitoring | | | | CNAME nagios-204.cscf.uw |
nagios-202.cscf.uw | resolve | | CS | | Development server | albeard | CSCF | | A |
watcher.cscf.uw | resolve | | CS | | Server monitoring | | | | A |
csclub.uw | resolve | | CS | | Club | | exec@csclub.uwaterloo.ca | Computer Science Club (CS) | A |
contest.csclub.uw | resolve | | CS | | | | connection timed out | | A |
git.csclub.uw | resolve | gitweb.csclub.uw | CS | | | | | | A |
gitweb.csclub.uw | resolve | | CS | Non-WCMS | | | | | CNAME git.csclub.uw |
library.csclub.uw | resolve | | CS | | | | connection timed out | | A |
mail.csclub.uw | resolve | | CS | | Login Page | | | | A |
mailman.csclub.uw | resolve | | CS | | | | | | A |
mirror.csclub.uw | resolve | | CS | | | exec@csclub.uwaterloo.ca | Previous Note: Mirror | | A |
wiki.csclub.uw | resolve | | CS | | | | | | CNAME caffeine.csclub.uw |
www.csclub.uw | resolve | csclub.uw | FEDS | Non-WCMS | Club | | exec@csclub.uwaterloo.ca | | CNAME csclub.uw |
csg.uw | resolve | | CS | | Research Group | | Try: 519-888-4004 | Computer Systems Group (CS) | A |
beta.csg.uw | resolve | | CS | | | | connection timed out | | A |
media.csg.uw | resolve | | CS | | part of csg.uwaterloo.ca | | | | A |
webcast.csg.uw | resolve | | CS | | part of csg.uwaterloo.ca | | | | CNAME media.csg.uw |
www.csg.uw | resolve | csg.uw | CS | | | | | | CNAME gamma.csg.uw |
csgrs6k1.uw | resolve | | CS | | | | connection timed out | | CNAME rs6k1.csg.uw |
csgwww.uw | resolve | | CS | | | | Bad request (invalid hostname) | | CNAME csg.uw |
csl.uw | resolve | | SYDE | | Lab | s9scott | | Collaborative Systems Lab (SYDE) | CNAME sslvs06.igloosoftware.com |
css07.uw | resolve | | CS | | | | connection timed out | | CNAME schiphol.uw |
cst.uw | resolve | | ECE | WCMS | | | Waiting for redirect | Waterloo Coding and Signal Transmission Lab (ECE) | A |
www.cst.uw | resolve | cst.uw | ECE | WCMS | | mamouika | Waiting for redirect | | CNAME cst.uw |
cswiki.uw | resolve | | CS | | Twiki | | | | CNAME haproxy.cs.uw |
csws2011.uw | resolve | | AHS | | Event | | Culled - Feb. 11, 2019, RT# 947984. | Canadian Semantic Web Symposium (CSWS2011) (AHS) | CNAME healthy.uw |
cte-blog.uw | resolve | | AVP-AS | | Blog | cte | | Centre for Teaching Excellence Blog (AVP-AS) | CNAME agora.uw |
ctn.uw | resolve | | PSYCH | WCMS | | | DONE | Centre for Theoretical Neuroscience (PSYCH) | CNAME watarts.uw |
www.curumin.uw | resolve | | CS | | | | connection timed out | | CNAME curumin.cs.uw |
dac.uw | resolve | | | | | | | | CNAME csclub.uw |
dark.uw | resolve | | IST | | | | "It works!" | | A |
reports.data.uw | resolve | | IST | | | | | University of Waterloo Report Server (IST) | A |
databace.uw | resolve | ace.uw | CHEM | | | | server=brutus.uwaterloo.ca | | CNAME brutus.uw |
db.uw | resolve | | CS | | Research Group | db-webmaster@cs.uwaterloo.ca | | Database Research Group (CS) | A |
www.db.uw | resolve | db.uw | CS | Non-WCMS | | | | | CNAME haproxy.cs.uw |
dce.uw | resolve | | AVP-AS | | Center | extended | 404 | | CNAME redfox.uw |
www.dce.uw | resolve | dce.uw | AVP-AS | Non-WCMS | Center | extended | | | CNAME redfox.uw |
ddclub.uw | resolve | | UW | | Club | kmangalj | Unit Math like duplicate??? Try: ddc@ddclub.ca OR admin@ddclub.ca | Double Degree Club (UW) | CNAME www.netlify.com |
www.ddclub.uw | resolve | ddclub.uw | FEDS | Non-WCMS | Club | ddc@ddclub.ca | Unit Feds like duplicate??? | | CNAME www.netlify.com |
de.uw | resolve | | AVP-AS | | Sub-site of Centre for Extended Learning | | Culled | Centre for Extended Learning - Online Learning (AVP-AS) | CNAME redfox.uw |
www.de.uw | resolve | dce.uw | AVP-AS | Non-WCMS | Center | extended | | | CNAME redfox.uw |
debate.uw | resolve | | PSCI | | | | | UW Debate Society (PSCI) | CNAME csclub.uw |
delattre.uw | resolve | | ENG | | Personal site | delattre | | | CNAME cathar.uw |
dhawthorn.uw | resolve | | PHYS | | | | Hawthorn group | Quantum Materials Spectroscopy Group (PHYS) | CNAME newborg.uw |
diref.uw | resolve | | CHEM | | Login Page | | See http://bernath.uwaterloo.ca/media/227.pdf | | CNAME acebox2.uw |
dmam.uw | resolve | | IST | | | | | Waterloo Photos (IST) | CNAME sparta.uw |
dms.uw | resolve | | IST | | | kbookan | | Cisco Show and Share (IST) | A |
doxey.uw | resolve | | BIOL | | | | Doxey Lab | Doxey Lab (BIOL) | A |
drama.uw | resolve | dramaandspeechcommunication.uw | DRAMA | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME watarts.uw |
www.drama.uw | resolve | dramaandspeechcommunication.uw | DRAMA | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME watarts.uw |
dramaandspeechcommunication.uw | resolve | | DRAMA | WCMS | | | DONE | Communication Arts (DRAMA) | CNAME watarts.uw |
www.dramaandspeechcommunication.uw | resolve | dramaandspeechcommunication.uw | DRAMA | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME watarts.uw |
dschipper.uw | resolve | | CHEM | | | sforgrav | | Schipper Group (CHEM) | A |
dsg.uw | resolve | | CS | WCMS | | | Waiting for redirect | Data Systems Group (CS) | CNAME cs.uw |
durum0.uw | resolve | | CS | | | | "nothing to see here, move along" cs-rsg-plg@cs.uwaterloo.ca | | A |
ece.uw | resolve | | ECE | WCMS | | | DONE | Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), Emerging Radio Systems Group (ECE) | A |
www.ece.uw | resolve | ece.uw | ECE | WCMS | | | DONE | | A |
ece493t3.uw | resolve | anjou.uw | ECE | | | p23lam | | Component-Based Software Engineering (ECE) | CNAME anjou.uw |
eceadmin.uw | resolve | | ECE | | Internal site | broehl | login required | | A |
ecegit.uw | resolve | | ECE | | | | GIT | | CNAME ecserv14.uw |
ecemail.uw | resolve | | ECE | | | | "Apache 2 Test Page" | | A |
eceprojects.uw | resolve | | ECE | WCMS | | | DONE | | A |
eceserv.uw | resolve | | ECE | | | | connection timed out | | CNAME eceserv1.uw |
ecetemp.uw | resolve | | | | | | | | A |
eceweb.uw | resolve | ece.uw | ECE | WCMS | | | DONE | | A |
ecewo.uw | not | ecewo32.uw | ECE | | | | | | A |
ecewo2.uw | not | ecewo32.uw | ECE | | | | | | A |
eco-eats.uw | resolve | | FEDS | | Club | uw.eco.eats@gmail.com | | Eco-Eats (FEDS) | CNAME csclub.uw |
ecomm-beta.uw | resolve | | VP-AD | Non-WCMS | | | | | CNAME adv-web1.uw |
economics.uw | resolve | | ECON | WCMS | | | DONE | Economics (ECON) | CNAME watarts.uw |
www.economics.uw | resolve | economics.uw | ECON | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME watarts.uw |
econsoc.uw | resolve | | ECON | Non-WCMS | | | "This website is no longer in use. Please visit us at ofmarginalbenefit.blogspot.com! " | | CNAME artsonline.uw |
ecoop.uw | resolve | | CBET | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME ecserv15.uw |
ecotheory.uw | resolve | | BIOL | | | | Cuddington Lab | Cuddington Lab (BIOL) | CNAME scisp2.uw |
ecresearch.uw | resolve | | ENG | | | | Eng Computing | | CNAME ecserv57.uw |
ecserv1.uw | resolve | | ENG | | server page | | | | A |
ecserv11.uw | resolve | | ENG | | Server page | erick | | | A |
ecserv13.uw | resolve | ecserv1.uw | ENG | | | | | | A |
ecserv14.uw | resolve | | ECE | | | | connection timed out | | A |
ecserv17.uw | resolve | | ENG | | | | connection timed out | | A |
ecserv18.uw | resolve | | ENG | | | | "It works!" | | A |
ecserv2.uw | resolve | | ENG | | | | | | A |
ecserv21.uw | resolve | | ENG | | | | | | A |
ecserv4.uw | resolve | | ENG | Non-WCMS | | | | | A |
ecserv7.uw | resolve | www.nexusmail.uw | ENG | Non-WCMS | | | | | A |
ecserv8.uw | resolve | | ENG | | | | Unable to connect | | A |
eduroam.uw | resolve | | IST | | | | Timeout | | A |
eeyore.uw | resolve | | | | | htnam | connection timed out | | A |
ehms.uw | resolve | | ECE | WCMS | | | DONE | | A |
eisop.uw | resolve | | ECE | | | wdietl | | Enforcing, Inferring, and Synthesizing Optional Properties (EISOP) (ECE) | A |
emanual.uw | resolve | | CECS | Non-WCMS | E-Manual | careers | login required | | CNAME grayfox.uw |
emerge.uw | resolve | | IST | | | p2dietri | | Emerge (IST) | A |
emergency.uw | resolve | | IST | | | p2dietri | 401 | | CNAME lineone.uw |
secure.ems.uw | resolve | | ENG | Non-WCMS | Login Page | | | | CNAME ecserv19.uw |
emsoft2011.uw | redirect | esg.uw | ECE | WCMS | | | | | CNAME esg.uw |
energyhub.uw | resolve | | ECE | WCMS | | | DONE | Energy Hub Management System Project (EHMS) (ECE) | A |
www.energyhub.uw | resolve | energyhub.uw | ECE | WCMS | | | DONE | | A |
eng.uw | resolve | | ENG | WCMS | | | DONE | | A
A |
www.dean.eng.uw | resolve | | ENGDEAN | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME ecserv15.uw |
mobile.eng.uw | resolve | | ENG | Non-WCMS | | | | | CNAME ecserv2.uw |
www.eng.uw | resolve | eng.uw | ENG | WCMS | | | DONE | Engineering Machine Shop (ENG) | CNAME ecserv15.uw |
engcepa.uw | resolve | | ENG | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME ecserv15.uw |
engcomp.uw | resolve | | ENG | WCMS | | | DONE | Engineering Computing (ENG) | CNAME ecserv18.uw |
www.engcomp.uw | resolve | engcomp.uw | ENG | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME ecserv18.uw |
engfoc.uw | resolve | | ENG | Non-WCMS | | | | Engineering Frosh Week (ENG) | CNAME ecserv15.uw |
engineering.uw | resolve | eng.uw | ENG | WCMS | | | DONE | Engineering (ENG) | CNAME engmail.uw |
www.engineering.uw | resolve | eng.uw | ENG | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME ecserv15.uw |
english50th.uw | resolve | | ENGL | | Event | mulbrick | | English at 50 (ENGL) | CNAME artsonline.uw |
engmail.uw | resolve | | ENG | | Mail Services | | | Engmail (ENG) | A |
www.engmail.uw | resolve | engmail.uw | ENG | | | | | | CNAME engmail.uw |
engorientation.uw | resolve | | ENG | | Event | | | Engineering Orientation (ENG) | CNAME ecserv15.uw |
engprint.uw | resolve | | ENG | | link to Printer status page | | | | CNAME ecserv6.uw |
engsoc.uw | resolve | | ENG | Non-WCMS | Student Society | webmaster@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca | | Engineering Society (ENG) | A |
www.engsoc.uw | resolve | engsoc.uw | ENG | | | | | | CNAME ecserv15.uw |
engulf.uw | resolve | | ENG | | | erick | connection timed out (ecserv12) | | CNAME ecserv12.uw |
enterprise.uw | resolve | | SCI | | | | connection timed out | | A |
env.uw | resolve | environment.uw | ENV | WCMS | | | DONE | Sustainable Energy Policy (ENV) | CNAME env-web5.uw |
env-apps.uw | resolve | | ENV | | | | MAD? | | A |
env-emp-vlnx1.uw | resolve | | ENV | | | | | Modelling and Spatial Analysis Lab (GEOG) | A |
env-ic3-vw2k8.uw | resolve | | ENV | WCMS | | | Waiting for redirect | Duguay Research Group (GEOG) | A |
env-web2.uw | resolve | | ENV | | server page | | | | A |
envblogs.uw | resolve | | ENV | | | | | | CNAME env-web2.uw |
environment.uw | resolve | | ENV | Non-WCMS | | | | Environment (ENV) | CNAME env-web5.uw |
www.environmental.uw | resolve | | CIVE | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME site.uw |
epad.uw | resolve | | CS | | Project | | | ePAD (CS) | CNAME haproxy.cs.uw |
epoch.uw | resolve | | SYDE | | | | | Design Optimization under Uncertainty Group (SYDE) | A |
eport.uw | resolve | | AVP-AS | | | | | ePortfolio (AVP-AS) | A |
ergonomics.uw | resolve | | AHS | | | | 403 | | CNAME healthy.uw |
www.ergonomics.uw | resolve | | KIN | | | | white screen | | CNAME healthy.uw |
escs.uw | resolve | | AHS | | | | 403 | | CNAME healthy.uw |
www.escs.uw | resolve | www.ergonomics.uw | KIN | | | | | | CNAME healthy.uw |
esen.uw | resolve | esen.cgl.uw | | | | | connection timed out | | CNAME esen.cgl.uw |
esg-resl.uw | redirect | esg.uw | ECE | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME esg.uw |
www.espacesfrancophones.uw | resolve | | FR | | | | French language site | Espaces Culturels Francophones (FR) | CNAME watarts.uw |
esports.uw | resolve | | UW | | Event (Club) | uwesports@gmail.com | | UW e-Sports Club (UW) | CNAME csclub.uw |
etheses.uw | resolve | | LIB | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME libwebappsprd01.uw |
exambank.uw | resolve | | MAT | | | | moved to http://mathsoc.uwaterloo.ca/exambank/? | | CNAME www-stanton.mathsoc.uw |
experts.uw | resolve | | VP-UREL | | Database | | | Experts and Speakers (Experts) (VP-UREL) | CNAME network.expertisefinder.com |
extech.uw | resolve | science.uw | SCI | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME science.uw |
extendedlearning.uw | resolve | dce.uw | AVP-AS | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME redfox.uw |
www.extendedlearning.uw | resolve | | AVP-AS | | | | | | CNAME redfox.uw |
farecomm.uw | resolve | | VP-AF | | | | connection timed out (see also: https://farecomm.uwaterloo.ca/) | Accounts Receivable Customer Services (VP-AF) | CNAME fin-farecomm.uw |
fass.uw | resolve | | UW | | | | Related to the theatre centre but not a part of it | FASS Theatre Company (UW) | A |
www.fass.uw | resolve | fass.uw | THC | Non-WCMS | | | Related to the theatre centre but not a part of it | | CNAME fass.uw |
fde.uw | resolve | | ME | | Lab | topper | | Fatigue Design + Evaluation Committee (ME) | CNAME ecserv15.uw |
www.femtosecondlab.uw | resolve | | PHYS | WCMS | | | DONE (Culled - RT 429145) | | CNAME science.uw |
finearts.uw | resolve | | FINE | WCMS | | | DONE | Fine Arts (FINE) | CNAME watarts.uw |
www.finearts.uw | resolve | finearts.uw | FINE | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME watarts.uw |
fishtank.uw | resolve | | ART | | | spaterso | connection timed out (win7 ent) | | A |
flax9.uw | resolve | | CS | | | | | | A |
flexlm.uw | resolve | chef.uw | IST | Non-WCMS | | | | Nexus FlexLM Monitor (IST) | CNAME ecserv18.uw |
fll.uw | resolve | | ENG | | | | | FIRST Waterloo (ENG) | CNAME queribus.uw |
www.fmrl.uw | resolve | | ME | | Lab | syarus | | Fluid Mechanics Research Laboratory (ME) | CNAME ecserv15.uw |
foosball.uw | resolve | | ECE | | | | | Automated Foosball System (ECE) | CNAME csclub.uw |
forecast.uw | resolve | science.uw | SCI | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME science.uw |
www.forecast.uw | resolve | science.uw | SCI | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME science.uw |
fortuna.uw | resolve | | IST | | | | Timeout | | A |
fortuna-dev.uw | resolve | | IST | | | | Timeout | | A |
freebsd.uw | resolve | www.freebsd.uw | ENG | | | | | | CNAME ecserv3.uw |
cvs.freebsd.uw | resolve | www.freebsd.uw | ENG | | | | | | CNAME ecserv3.uw |
www.freebsd.uw | resolve | | ENG | | | | | | CNAME ecserv3.uw |
fremir.uw | resolve | | FR | | | | French language site | Textes missionnaires dans l’espace francophone (FR) | CNAME artsonline.uw |
www.fremir.uw | resolve | fremir.uw | FR | | | | | | CNAME artsonline.uw |
french.uw | resolve | | FR | WCMS | | | DONE | French Studies (FR) | CNAME watarts.uw |
www.french.uw | resolve | french.uw | FR | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME watarts.uw |
www.fsf.uw | resolve | science.uw | SCI | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME science.uw |
fydp.uw | resolve | | ENG | | | | this connection is untrusted | | A |
gamesmuseum.uw | resolve | | AHS | Non-WCMS | | | | Elliott Avedon Virtual Museum of Games (AHS) | CNAME healthy.uw |
www.gamesmuseum.uw | resolve | gamesmuseum.uw | AHS | Non-WCMS | | | | | CNAME healthy.uw |
gco.uw | resolve | | LIB | | | | Formerly redirected to: https://uwaterloo.ca/library/german-canadiana-in-ontario/ | German Canadiana in Ontario (LIB) | A |
www.geoe.uw | resolve | | CIVE | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME site.uw |
german.uw | resolve | | FEDS | | Club | | | German Club (UW) | CNAME csclub.uw |
germanicandslavic.uw | resolve | | GERSLAV | WCMS | | | DONE | Germanic & Slavic Studies (GERSLAV) | CNAME watarts.uw |
www.germanicandslavic.uw | resolve | germanicandslavic.uw | GERSLAV | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME watarts.uw |
www.germano-slavica.uw | resolve | | GERSLAV | | | | | Germano-Slavica (GERSLAV) | CNAME artsonline.uw |
getinthewaterloop.uw | resolve | | FEDS | | Club | | see: https://csclub.uwaterloo.ca/services/clubs | | CNAME csclub.uw |
getmail.uw | resolve | | ENG | | | | | | CNAME ecserv10.uw |
www.getmail.uw | resolve | getmail.uw | ENG | | | | | | CNAME ecserv10.uw |
ggr.uw | resolve | | EARTH | WCMS | | | Waiting for redirect | Groundwater Geochemistry and Remediation Group (EARTH) | A |
git.uw | resolve | | IST | | | | | Gitlab (IST) | CNAME gitlab.uw |
gitlab.uw | resolve | | IST | | | | | | A |
globalgovernance.uw | resolve | | ART | Non-WCMS | Program | awettig | | Balsillie School of International Affairs (ART) | CNAME watarts.uw |
www.globalgovernance.uw | resolve | globalgovernance.uw | ART | Non-WCMS | Program | awettig | | | CNAME watarts.uw |
globe.uw | resolve | | ENG | | Server page | erick | | | CNAME ecserv11.uw |
go.uw | resolve | | AHS | WCMS | | | DONE (Old AHS homepage) | | CNAME healthy.uw |
gorge.uw | resolve | | | | | | connection timed out | | A |
gorgon.uw | resolve | ca.uw | IST | Non-WCMS | | | | | A |
gq2004.uw | resolve | science.uw | SCI | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME science.uw |
grand.uw | resolve | | | | | | connection timed out (cs-dns-admin@cs.uwaterloo.ca) Shoshin group | | A |
grayfox.uw | resolve | careerhub.uw | AP-COOP | Non-WCMS | | | | | A |
grebelweb.uw | resolve | | CGC | | University College | greblweb | RT 268988 - do they want to redirect to the new site | | A |
greenautopowertrain.uw | resolve | | ME | | | | Green Auto Power Train Project | Green Auto Power Train Project (ME) | CNAME ecserv15.uw |
greentea.uw | resolve | | ENV | WCMS | | | Culled | Teaching, Environment & Action (ENV) | CNAME env-blogsold.uw |
gsd.uw | not | gp.uw | ECE | | | | | Generative Software Development Lab (ECE) | A |
halifax.uw | resolve | | | | | | 403 | | A |
hardyhearts.uw | resolve | | AHS | | | | used to redirect to http://www.hardyhearts.org/ | | CNAME healthy.uw |
hci.uw | resolve | | CS | | Lab | lank | | Human Computer Interaction (CS) | CNAME capn.cs.uw |
health.uw | resolve | | AHS | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME healthy.uw |
healthy.uw | resolve | ahs.uw | AHS | WCMS | | | DONE | | A |
healthycommunities.uw | resolve | | REC | WCMS | | | DONE | Healthy Communities Research Network (REC) | CNAME healthy.uw |
healthyminds.uw | resolve | | FEDS | | Club | vherteis | | Healthy Minds (CS) | CNAME csclub.uw |
hercules.uw | resolve | | ENG | | Login Page | hntam | Authentication required | | A |
hfes.uw | resolve | | SYDE | WCMS | | | DONE | Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (SYDE) | CNAME ecserv15.uw |
hi.uw | resolve | | VPA | WCMS | | | DONE | Health Informatics (VPA) | CNAME haproxy.cs.uw |
history.uw | resolve | | HIST | WCMS | | | DONE | History (HIST) | CNAME watarts.uw |
www.history.uw | resolve | history.uw | HIST | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME watarts.uw |
histsoc.uw | resolve | | HIST | | Club | uwhistory@gmail.com | | History Society (HIST) | CNAME agora.uw |
home-prod-web.uw | resolve | | | | | | 404 | | A |
homecoming.uw | resolve | | VP-AD | | | | The conection has timed out error | | A |
www.homecoming.uw | resolve | | VP-AD | | | | The conection has timed out error | | CNAME homecoming.uw |
apps.housing.uw | resolve | | AP-STUD | | | | connection reset | | A |
homeforms.housing.uw | resolve | | AP-STUD | | | | connection reset | | A |
homewelcome.housing.uw | resolve | | AP-STUD | | | | connection reset | | A |
marketing.housing.uw | resolve | | AP-STUD | | | | connection timed out | | A |
welcome.housing.uw | resolve | | AP-STUD | | | | connection reset | | A |
www.housing.uw | redirect | housing.uw | AP-STUD | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME housing.uw |
hr.uw | resolve | | AP-HR | WCMS | | | DONE | Human Resources (AP-HR) | CNAME led-2.uw |
myhrinfo.hrms.uw | resolve | | AP-HR | | | | Take down? | | CNAME hrarchive.uw |
icipe17.uw | resolve | | ENG | | | | | 9th International Conference on Inverse Problems in Engineering (ICIPE) (ENG) | A |
www.icipe17.uw | resolve | icipe17.uw | ENG | Non-WCMS | | | | | CNAME icipe17.uw |
icr.uw | resolve | | ICR | WCMS | | | DONE | Institute for Computer Research (ICR) (ICR) | CNAME haproxy.cs.uw |
www.icr.uw | resolve | icr.uw | ICR | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME haproxy.cs.uw |
ideas.uw | resolve | | AHS | | | | ideas FOR HEALTH | ideas FOR HEALTH (AHS) | CNAME ideaswebserv.uw |
www.ideas.uw | resolve | ideas.uw | AHS | | | | ideas FOR HEALTH | | CNAME ideaswebserv.uw |
ieee.uw | resolve | | ECE | | | praetzel | | The Mutopia Project (ECE) | A |
www.ieee.uw | resolve | ieee.uw | ECE | Non-WCMS | | | | | CNAME ieee.uw |
ieee-emb.uw | resolve | | ECE | | | sshahir | | IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology (EMB) Chapter (ECE) | A |
igem.uw | resolve | | ENG | | Student Team | jh2hong | 289652 | International Genetically Engineered Machine Team (iGEM) (ENG) | CNAME csclub.uw |
iie.uw | resolve | | ENG | Non-WCMS | | | | Waterloo Institute of Industrial Engineers (ENG) | A |
iis1.uw | resolve | | | | | | 404 | | A |
imprint.uw | resolve | | NONUW | | | | | | A |
www.imprint.uw | resolve | imprint.uw | NONUW | | | | | | CNAME imprint.uw |
infranet.uw | resolve | | CS | | | infranet.reply@csg.uwaterloo.ca | | | CNAME fs.csg.uw |
www.water.institute.uw | resolve | civmail.uw | CIVE | | Duplicate | civrt@civmail.uwaterloo.ca | | | CNAME civmail.uw |
interdis.uw | resolve | | ART | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME watarts.uw |
www.interdis.uw | resolve | | ART | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME watarts.uw |
interraicanada.uw | resolve | | HLTHGERON | WCMS | | | DONE | interRAI Canada (HLTHGERON) | CNAME interraiweb.uw |
ipdisclosure.uw | resolve | | VP-URES | | | cpbell | | Policy 73 Disclosure Package (VP-URES) | CNAME campusiis.uw |
iqc.uw | resolve | | VPA | WCMS | Institute | | DONE | Institute for Quantum Computing (VPA) | A |
cleve.iqc.uw | resolve | | VPA | | | | IQC personal page | | CNAME anchor.iqc.uw |
cssqi2012.iqc.uw | resolve | | VPA | | Event | cssqi2012@uwaterloo.ca | IQC site | | CNAME chiselh.iqc.uw |
miao.iqc.uw | resolve | | VPA | | Lab | gxmiao@mit.edu | IQC site | | CNAME anchor.iqc.uw |
qa2012.iqc.uw | resolve | | VPA | | Event | qa2012 | IQC site | Recent Progress in Quantum Algorithms (VPA) | CNAME chiselh.iqc.uw |
qfqi.iqc.uw | resolve | | VPA | | | | IQC site | | CNAME chiselh.iqc.uw |
services.iqc.uw | resolve | | VPA | | | | IQC site | | CNAME yardstick.iqc.uw |
web7.iqc.uw | resolve | | VPA | | | | IQC site | | CNAME anchor.iqc.uw |
www.iqc.uw | resolve | iqc.uw | VPA | | | | IQC site | | CNAME chiselh.iqc.uw |
iqol.uw | resolve | | VPA | | Lab | ahmajedi | IQC site | | CNAME eceweb.uw |
www.iqol.uw | resolve | iqol.uw | VPA | | Lab | ahmajedi | IQC site | | CNAME eceweb.uw |
irr.uw | resolve | | CIVE | Non-WCMS | | | | Institute for Risk Research (CIVE) | CNAME ecserv15.uw |
is.uw | resolve | | IS | WCMS | Program | | DONE | Independent Studies (IS) | CNAME watarts.uw |
www.is.uw | resolve | is.uw | IS | | Program | isinfo | | | CNAME watarts.uw |
ist.uw | resolve | | IST | WCMS | | | DONE | Information Systems & Technology (IST) | A |
istiis.uw | resolve | | IST | | | | "you do not have permission..." | Waterloo Nexus Advisory Group (IST) | CNAME campusiis.uw |
www.istiis.uw | resolve | istiis.uw | IST | | | | "You do not haqve permission..." | | CNAME campusiis.uw |
istns.uw | resolve | | IST | | | | Old Network Services site. | IST Network Services Tools (IST) | A |
istns-backup.uw | resolve | istns.uw | IST | | | | | | A |
istns-blackhole.uw | resolve | | IST | | | | | UW Network Authentication (blackhole) (IST) | A |
iwarrior.uw | resolve | | ENG | | News | iwarrior | | Iron Warrior (ENG) | CNAME ecserv15.uw |
jazz.uw | resolve | | ART | | | | unable to connect | | A |
jcbserver.uw | resolve | | CS | | | | "This is jcbServer.cs.uwaterloo.ca" | | CNAME jcbserver.cs.uw |
jewishstudies.uw | resolve | | ART | WCMS | | | DONE | Jewish Studies (ART) | CNAME watarts.uw |
www.jewishstudies.uw | resolve | jewishstudies.uw | ART | | Program | s2king | | | CNAME watarts.uw |
jira.uw | resolve | | IST | | | | | Jira (IST) | CNAME jira-1.uw |
jira-1.uw | resolve | | IST | | | | 404 | | A |
kgsa.uw | resolve | | KIN | WCMS | | | DONE | Kinesiology Graduate Student Association (KIN) | CNAME healthy.uw |
www.kgsa.uw | resolve | kgsa.uw | KIN | | | tkarakol | | | CNAME healthy.uw |
kimia.uw | resolve | | SYDE | | | tizhoosh | | Laboratory for Knowledge Inference in Medical Image Analysis (SYDE) | CNAME kimialab.uw |
kinema.uw | resolve | | FINE | | Journal | jauhde | | Kinema: a journal for film and audiovisual media (FINE) | A |
kiss.uw | resolve | | ENV | Non-WCMS | Student society | | | | CNAME cki.uw |
kiwi.uw | redirect | strobe.uw | IST | | | | "This is strobe.uwaterloo.ca" | | A |
kleinke.uw | resolve | | CHEM | | Personal | kleinke | server=hk4.uwaterloo.ca | Holger Kleinke (CHEM) | CNAME hk4.uw |
konja.uw | resolve | | FEDS | | Club | | | | CNAME csclub.uw |
labs.uw | resolve | | ENG | | Lab Booking System | | | | CNAME cathar.uw |
langlabmedia.uw | resolve | | ART | WCMS | | | DONE | Language Lab (ART) | CNAME agora.uw |
lasa.uw | resolve | | FEDS | | Club | | | | CNAME csclub.uw |
leads.uw | resolve | | IST | | | | login page | LEADS (IST) | CNAME campusiis.uw |
learn.uw | resolve | | IST | | | | login page | Waterloo LEARN (IST) | CNAME uwaterloo.brightspace.com |
learn1.uw | resolve | | IST | | | dahinton | Used by LEARN. | | A |
learningspace.uw | resolve | | CS | | | | | | CNAME gamma.csg.uw |
learntools.uw | resolve | | IST | | | dahinton | | LEARN Tools (IST) | CNAME learn1.uw |
leroy.uw | resolve | | CHEM | | Personal site | leroy | | | CNAME science.uw |
lettresjapon.uw | not | french-research.uw | FR | | | | French language site | | CNAME artsresearch.uw |
leung.uw | resolve | | CHEM | | | | | Waterloo Advanced Technology Laboratory (WATLab) (CHEM) | A |
lib.uw | resolve | www.lib.uw | LIB | Non-WCMS | | carolynv | | | A |
ares.lib.uw | resolve | | LIB | | | | connection timed out | | CNAME libaresprd02.lib.uw |
bookings.lib.uw | resolve | | LIB | | | | Apache default page | MRBS - Room bookings - patrons (LIB), MRBS - Room bookings - staff (LIB) | A |
engine.lib.uw | resolve | | LIB | | | | | Engine (Engineering Eprints) (LIB) | CNAME libengproxprd01.uw |
www.lib.uw | resolve | | LIB | | | | DONE | Library (LIB) | CNAME lib.uw |
libanswers.uw | resolve | | LIB | | | | | Library Ask Us (LIB) | CNAME region-ca.libanswers.com |
library.uw | resolve | www.lib.uw | LIB | Non-WCMS | | | | | A |
digital.library.uw | resolve | | LIB | | | | | Waterloo Digital Library (Islandora) (LIB) | CNAME libislandprd01.uw |
www.library.uw | resolve | www.lib.uw | LIB | Non-WCMS | | | | | CNAME library.uw |
libwork.uw | resolve | | LIB | | | | Login page | | A |
lineone.uw | resolve | | IST | | | p2dietri | Campus emergency notification system as of 2017-07. | | A |
links.uw | resolve | | AMATH | | Research Group | ervrscay | Greg Mayer, the webmaster, has left UW. | Fractal Coding and Analysis Group (AMATH) | CNAME www.math.uw |
linux.uw | resolve | | IST | | | | white screen | | CNAME scicomp9.uw |
lists.uw | resolve | | IST | | | | Mailman mailing lists | Bulk mailing (Mailman lists) (IST) | A |
livingwithdementia.uw | resolve | | AHS | | Program | marep | | Living Well with Dementia (AHS) | CNAME healthy.uw |
www.livingwithdementia.uw | resolve | livingwithdementia.uw | AHS | | | | | | CNAME healthy.uw |
lord.uw | resolve | | SYDE | | | mahindra | "Forbidden" | | A |
sisp.ls.uw | resolve | | SOC | | | | connection timed out | | A |
lsimon.uw | resolve | | CHE | | Personal site | lsimon | | Simon Research Group (CHE) | CNAME cheserv25.uw |
lss.uw | resolve | | SOC | | Society | legalstudiessociety@gmail.com | | Legal Studies Society (SOC) | CNAME agora.uw |
www.lss.uw | resolve | lss.uw | STJ | | Student Society | legalstudiessociety@gmail.com | | | CNAME agora.uw |
mailman.uw | resolve | | IST | Non-WCMS | | | | | A |
mailservices.uw | resolve | | IST | | | | Support docs | Mail Services (IST) | A |
mambo.uw | resolve | | FEDS | | | | on caffeine.csclub.uwaterloo.ca | | CNAME caffeine.csclub.uw |
mansci.uw | resolve | | MSCI | WCMS | | | DONE | Management Science Engineering (MSCI) | CNAME www.mansci.uw |
www.mansci.uw | resolve | mansci.uw | MSCI | WCMS | | | DONE | | A |
mansci-webapps.uw | resolve | | MSCI | | Test Page | | test page for apache | | A |
mapleta.uw | resolve | | MAT | | MFCF site | webmaster@math.uwaterloo.ca | | | CNAME www.math.uw |
marep.uw | resolve | | AHS | WCMS | | | DONE | Murray Alzheimer Research and Education Program (AHS) | CNAME healthy.uw |
www.marep.uw | resolve | marep.uw | AHS | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME healthy.uw |
margot.uw | resolve | | FR | WCMS | | | DONE | MARGOT (FR) | CNAME agora.uw |
math.uw | resolve | | MAT | WCMS | | | DONE | AMath Biomedical Research Group (AMATH), Mathematics (MAT) | A |
belize.math.uw | resolve | | MAT | | | | No real content | | A |
www.cacr.math.uw | resolve | cacr.uw | CO | Non-WCMS | | | | | CNAME www.math.uw |
www.cacr2.math.uw | resolve | cacr.uw | CO | | | | | | CNAME www.math.uw |
cemc.math.uw | resolve | | MAT | | Center | kaschnar | | | CNAME cemclinux10.math.uw |
cemc2.math.uw | resolve | | MAT | | | | login page | | CNAME cemclinux12.math.uw |
djao.math.uw | resolve | | MAT | | personal site | djao | | | CNAME efnet.math.uw |
general.math.uw | resolve | | MAT | | | | | | A |
orientation.math.uw | resolve | | MAT | | Orientation | | syscom@csclub.uwaterloo.ca | Math Orientation (MAT) | CNAME csclub.uw |
static.orientation.math.uw | resolve | | MAT | | | | | | CNAME csclub.uw |
www.orientation.math.uw | resolve | orientation.math.uw | MAT | Non-WCMS | Orientation | | | | CNAME csclub.uw |
orion.math.uw | resolve | | MAT | | | hwolkowi | | | CNAME www.math.uw |
oto.math.uw | resolve | | MAT | | | | "It works" | | A |
plg.math.uw | resolve | plg.uw | CS | | Research Group | pabuhr | | | CNAME plg.uw |
se.math.uw | resolve | | CS | Non-WCMS | | | | | CNAME haproxy.cs.uw |
student.math.uw | resolve | | MAT | | | | | | A |
www.student.math.uw | resolve | student.math.uw | MAT | | | gwridley@math.uwaterloo.ca | | | A |
wiki.math.uw | resolve | | MAT | | | | Red hat test page | | CNAME wiki-p01.math.uw |
www.math.uw | resolve | math.uw | MAT | WCMS | | | DONE | | A |
math-drupal.uw | resolve | | MAT | | | | Access denied | | CNAME mws.uw |
mathnews.uw | resolve | | MAT | | News | mathnews@student.math.uwaterloo.ca | | | CNAME mathnews-stanton.mathsoc.uw |
mathreview.uw | resolve | | MAT | | | editor@mathreview.uwaterloo.ca | | | CNAME csclub.uw |
mathsoc.uw | resolve | | MAT | | Society | mathsoc@mathsoc.uwaterloo.ca | | | A |
elections.mathsoc.uw | resolve | | MAT | Non-WCMS | | | | | CNAME www-stanton.mathsoc.uw |
handbook.mathsoc.uw | resolve | | MAT | | | | Cannot display page | | CNAME pink-tie.mathsoc.uw |
mail-stanton.mathsoc.uw | resolve | | MAT | | | | Page not found | | A |
sine.mathsoc.uw | resolve | | MAT | | Login Page | | | | CNAME www-stanton.mathsoc.uw |
wiki.mathsoc.uw | resolve | | MAT | | Society | computing@mathsoc.uwaterloo.ca | | | CNAME www-stanton.mathsoc.uw |
www.mathsoc.uw | resolve | mathsoc.uw | MAT | | Society | mathsoc@mathsoc.uwaterloo.ca | | | CNAME www-stanton.mathsoc.uw |
www-stanton.mathsoc.uw | resolve | | MAT | | | | | | A |
mattermost.uw | resolve | | IST | | | | | UW Mattermost (IST) | CNAME mattermost-1.uw |
mattermost-1.uw | resolve | | IST | | | | nginx default page | | A |
media.uw | resolve | | IST | | new media services or social media? | dgratzer | connection timed out (or hblizzard) | | A |
media2.uw | resolve | | IST | Non-WCMS | | cpetrie | | | A |
medievalstudies.uw | resolve | | CLASSICS | WCMS | | | DONE | Medieval Studies (CLASSICS) | CNAME watarts.uw |
mems.uw | resolve | | ENG | | | | "nothing here" | | A |
mess.uw | resolve | | ME | | | | Mechatronics Equipment Surplus System | Mechatronics Equipment Surplus System (ME) | CNAME ecserv15.uw |
metagenome.uw | resolve | | BIOL | Non-WCMS | | | | Canadian MetaMicroBiome Library (BIOL) | A |
webtest.mfcf.uw | resolve | | MAT | | | | | | CNAME mws3.uw |
mgc.uw | resolve | | MAT | | | ggoodfel | syscom@csclub.uwaterloo.ca | Mathematics Graduation Committee (MAT) | CNAME csclub.uw |
www.mgc.uw | resolve | | MAT | | Committee | uwmgc2013@gmail.com | Forbidden | | CNAME csclub.uw |
www.mhtl.uw | resolve | mhtlab.uw | ME | | | rix | | | CNAME ecserv15.uw |
mhtlab.uw | resolve | | ME | | Lab | rix | | Microelectronics Heat Transfer Laboratory (ME), Microelectronics Heat Transfer Laboratory (MHTL) (ME) | CNAME ecserv15.uw |
www.mhtlab.uw | resolve | mhtlab.uw | ME | | | rix | | | CNAME ecserv15.uw |
mhvm.uw | resolve | mjhudson.uw | PHYS | | Personal site | mjhudson | | | A |
miami.uw | resolve | | ECE | | Research Group | tizhoosh | | Medical Instrument Analysis and Machine Intelligence (MIAMI) (ECE) | CNAME eceweb.uw |
minerve.uw | resolve | | IST | | | | Timeout | | A |
minos.uw | resolve | mailservices.uw | IST | | | | | | A |
mirror.uw | resolve | | CS | Non-WCMS | | exec@csclub.uwaterloo.ca | Previous Note: Mirror | | CNAME mirror.csclub.uw |
mjhudson.uw | resolve | | PHYS | | Personal site | mjhudson | | | CNAME science.uw |
hse.mme.uw | resolve | | ME | | | | | Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering Health, Safety, and Environment (ME) | CNAME ecserv15.uw |
monet.uw | resolve | | SYDE | | | dclausi | connection timed out (or mahindra) | | A |
monod.uw | resolve | | CS | | | fjburkow | | Bioinformatics (CS) | A |
mphsa.uw | resolve | | HLTHGERON | | student association | | Forbidden | Master of Public Health Students' Association (MPHSA) (HLTHGERON) | CNAME csclub.uw |
msam.uw | resolve | | ME | | | | | | A |
msr.uw | resolve | | NONUW | Non-WCMS | | | | | CNAME swag.cs.uw |
mssa.uw | resolve | | MSCI | | Student Association | mssa.exec@gmail.com | | Management Sciences Student Association (MSCI) | CNAME csclub.uw |
mtax.uw | resolve | | ACC | WCMS | | | DONE | Master of Taxation (ACC) | CNAME watarts.uw |
muclub.uw | resolve | | CGC | | Club | WaterlooMusicClub@gmail.com | | Waterloo Music Club (CGC) | CNAME csclub.uw |
multicom.uw | resolve | | ECE | | | | | Multimedia Communications Laboratory (ECE) | CNAME multicom-mac1.uw |
www.multicom.uw | resolve | multicom.uw | ECE | | | | | | CNAME multicom-mac1.uw |
multicom-mac1.uw | resolve | multicom.uw | ECE | | | | | | A |
mur.uw | resolve | | REGIS | | Login Page | | | | A |
muskrat.uw | resolve | | | | | | Empty response body | | A |
mycallpilot.uw | resolve | ts-cpmgr.uw | IST | | | jomarra | IIS default page; CallPilot is still in use as of 2017-07. | | CNAME ts-cpmgr.uw |
myidea.uw | resolve | | ART | | | sean | white screen (on agora.uwaterloo.ca) | | CNAME agora.uw |
mynarski3.uw | not | mynarski.uw | IST | | | | Site moved: https://uwaterloo.ca/onbase/ | | A |
mysql.uw | resolve | | IST | | | | Duplicates https://strobe.uwaterloo.ca/phpMyAdmin/ | | CNAME led-1.uw |
mywaterloo.uw | resolve | www.nexusmail.uw | ENG | Non-WCMS | | | | | CNAME ecserv10.uw |
nds.uw | resolve | | CS | | | | This site's security certificate is not trusted | | CNAME styx.shoshin.uw |
newborg.uw | resolve | | SCI | WCMS | | | DONE | | A |
newquarterly.uw | resolve | | STJ | | | | Forbidden | | CNAME watarts.uw |
www.newquarterly.uw | resolve | | STJ | | | | Forbidden | | CNAME watarts.uw |
nexmon.uw | resolve | | | | | | IIS default page | | A |
nexrep.uw | resolve | | | | | | 404 | | A |
rsxerox.nexus.uw | resolve | | AP-STUD | | | jjaray | | Retail Services CentreWare (AP-STUD) | A |
nexusmail.uw | resolve | www.nexusmail.uw | ENG | | | | | | CNAME ecserv10.uw |
www.nexusmail.uw | resolve | | ENG | | | | | myWaterloo (ENG) | CNAME ecserv10.uw |
www.npsg.uw | resolve | | CS | | Research Group | gvgbaran | | | CNAME cuca.cs.uw |
nsbuild.uw | resolve | | UW | | | | login page | | CNAME cn-ipam-phy.uw |
ntc.uw | resolve | | ENG | | News | | | Nanotechnology Council Newsletter (ENG) | CNAME ecserv15.uw |
nx-01.uw | resolve | enterprise.uw | SCI | | | | connection timed out | | A |
listings.och.uw | resolve | | AP-STUD | | Departmental | housing | Functionality not yet supported in WCMS | | CNAME campusiis.uw |
ocho.uw | resolve | | SYDE | | Personal site | pfieguth | | Paul Fieguth Research Group (SYDE) | CNAME systems.uw |
odyssey.uw | resolve | | CS | WCMS | | odyssey | | Odyssey (CS) | A |
oec2005.uw | resolve | | ENG | | Event | oec2005@engmail.uwaterloo.ca | | Ontario Engineering Competition 2005 (ENG) | CNAME ecserv15.uw |
www.oec2005.uw | resolve | oec2005.uw | ENG | | | oec2005@engmail.uwaterloo.ca | | | CNAME ecserv15.uw |
www.oec2010.uw | resolve | | ENG | | Event | help@oec2010.uwaterloo.ca | Try: srlake@uwaterloo.ca (Chair) | Ontario Engineering Competition 2010 (ENG) | CNAME ecserv15.uw |
ofis.uw | resolve | | ENG | | Online Faculty Information System | | login required | | CNAME ecserv19.uw |
ofisdev.uw | resolve | | ENG | | | | This site's security certificate is using a weak signature algorithm! | | CNAME ecserv25.uw |
ohl.uw | resolve | | FEDS | Non-WCMS | Club | | | | CNAME csclub.uw |
ojs.uw | resolve | | LIB | | | | "OJS Landing page" | | A |
ona.uw | resolve | istns.uw | IST | Non-WCMS | | | Old Network Services site. | | CNAME istns.uw |
onceler.uw | resolve | | | | | tpd | connection timed out | | A |
onewaterloo.uw | not | diversity.uw | FEDS | Non-WCMS | | | | | CNAME www-static.fs.uw |
www.onewaterloo.uw | not | diversity.uw | FEDS | Non-WCMS | | | | | CNAME www-static.fs.uw |
oops.uw | resolve | | PSYCH | | | dsmilek | | Oops! | Discovering the wandering mind (PSYCH) | CNAME watarts.uw |
open.uw | resolve | | AVP-AS | WCMS | | | | Open Waterloo (AVP-AS) | A
A |
openjournals.uw | resolve | | LIB | | | | | Waterloo Library Journal Publishing Service (LIB) | A |
opt-eses.uw | resolve | | OPTOM | | | | | Online Student Evaluation System (OPTOM) | A |
optnt1.uw | resolve | | | | | | Timeout | | A |
orc-reth.uw | resolve | | HLTHGERON | | | sivothth | Alternative contact: pbigelow | Ontario Research Chair program in Renewable Energy Technologies and Health (ECE) | A |
www.orc-reth.uw | resolve | orc-reth.uw | HLTHGERON | | | sivothth | Alternative contact: pbigelow | | A |
orcol.uw | resolve | | REC | | | ahsweb@healthy.uwaterloo.ca | | Ontario Research Council on Leisure (REC) | CNAME healthy.uw |
www.orcol.uw | resolve | orcol.uw | REC | | | ahsweb@healthy.uwaterloo.ca | | | CNAME healthy.uw |
orion.uw | resolve | orion.math.uw | MAT | | | hwolkowi | | | CNAME www.math.uw |
oscar.uw | resolve | | CS | | | | apache server setup (on oscar1.cs.uwaterloo.ca) | | CNAME oscar1.cs.uw |
ov-research.uw | resolve | | MSCI | | Personal site | ovechtom | | Olga Vechtomova Research (MSCI) | A |
ovs.uw | resolve | | OPTOM | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME quark.uw |
parksgovernance.uw | resolve | | REC | | | recweb@healthy.uwaterloo.ca | | Parks Governance Study (REC) | CNAME healthy.uw |
pavlegroup.uw | resolve | | CHEM | | | | | Radovanovic Research Group (CHEM) | CNAME radovanoviclab1.github.io |
pce.uw | resolve | | ECE | | Personal site | freeman | Links to George Freeman and pce sites | | A |
pced.uw | resolve | | LIB | | | | | Papers in Canadian Economic Development (LIB) | A |
pd.uw | resolve | ce.uw | AVP-AS | Non-WCMS | | | | Professional Development (AVP-AS) | CNAME redfox.uw |
cpha.pd.uw | resolve | | | | | | 404 | | CNAME iis1.uw |
www.pdeng.uw | resolve | | ENG | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME ecserv15.uw |
quest.pecs.uw | redirect | quest.uw | REGIS | | | | Homepage redirects, but site itself is at other URL. | Quest (REGIS) | CNAME saprod.uw |
peregrine.uw | resolve | | IST | | | | Apache default page | | A |
peri.uw | resolve | | FEDS | | | | connection timed out (on perpugilliam.csclub.uwaterloo.ca) | | CNAME perpugilliam.csclub.uw |
philosophy.uw | resolve | | PHIL | WCMS | | | DONE | Philosophy (PHIL) | CNAME watarts.uw |
www.philosophy.uw | resolve | philosophy.uw | PHIL | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME watarts.uw |
photonics.uw | resolve | | ECE | | Lab | sssaini | | Nanophotonics and Integrated Optoelectronics Laboratory (ECE) | CNAME eceweb.uw |
phr.uw | resolve | | AHS | | Research Group | | DONE - culled | Population Health Research Group (AHS) | A |
www.phr.uw | resolve | | AHS | | | pwmcdona | Bad request (invalid hostname) | | CNAME phr.uw |
pidc.uw | resolve | | AHS | WCMS | | | DONE | Partnerships in Dementia Care (AHS) | CNAME healthy.uw |
www.pidc.uw | resolve | pidc.uw | AHS | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME healthy.uw |
pilots.uw | resolve | | IST | | | | Staging sites for WCMS migration | | CNAME wms-stg.uw |
pipe.uw | resolve | | CIVE | | | civadmin | connection timed out | | A |
plantoperations.uw | resolve | | VP-AF | WCMS | | cdwatson | DONE | Plant Operations (VP-AF) | CNAME led-2.uw |
plantops.uw | resolve | plantoperations.uw | VP-AF | Non-WCMS | | | | | CNAME led-2.uw |
plg.uw | resolve | | CS | | Research Group | pabuhr | | | A |
plg1.uw | resolve | | CS | | | | connection timed out (plg1.cs.uwaterloo.ca) | | CNAME plg1.cs.uw |
pmclub.uw | resolve | | FEDS | | Club | pmclub@gmail.com | | | A |
pnroy.uw | resolve | | CHEM | | Research Group | pnroy | server=newborg.uwaterloo.ca | The Roy Group (CHEM) | CNAME science.uw |
pods.uw | resolve | | ECE | | | djcross | | Power Distribution Systems Group (ECE) | A |
poetry-contingency.uw | resolve | | STJ | | Personal | d25willi | | Poetry & Contingency (STJ) | CNAME agora.uw |
www.polaris.uw | resolve | | ENG | | | smcarr | Support docs | Waterloo Polaris (ENG) | CNAME ecserv15.uw |
pole.uw | resolve | | IST | | | | white screen | | A |
politicalscience.uw | resolve | | PSCI | WCMS | | | DONE | Political Science (PSCI) | CNAME watarts.uw |
www.politicalscience.uw | resolve | politicalscience.uw | PSCI | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME watarts.uw |
porcelain.uw | resolve | | PHYS | | Personal site | cmccoey | | | A |
portal.uw | resolve | | IST | | | | | Portal (IST) | CNAME cdn-portal-prod.azureedge.net |
power.uw | resolve | | ECE | WCMS | Research Group | | DONE | Power and Energy Systems Group (ECE) | CNAME eceweb.uw |
www.power.uw | resolve | power.uw | ECE | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME eceweb.uw |
power-training.uw | resolve | | ECE | WCMS | | | DONE | | A |
www.power-training.uw | resolve | power-training.uw | ECE | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME power-training.uw |
ppn.uw | resolve | | ART | | | sean | on artsonline.uwaterloo.ca | | CNAME artsonline.uw |
pqcrypto2014.uw | resolve | | VPA | | | | IQC site | | CNAME chiselh.iqc.uw |
preclinic.uw | resolve | | OPTOM | | | | connection timed out | see https://preclinic.uwaterloo.ca/login/login.php | | CNAME opt-eses.uw |
prescreen.uw | resolve | | OPTOM | | Webform | cclr2@sciborg.uwaterloo.ca | | | A |
crimson.private.uw | resolve | | IST | | | | | IST Nagios monitoring (IST) | A |
nsmgmt.private.uw | resolve | | IST | | | | Support docs | Infoblox Help Page (IST) | A |
papercutmf.private.uw | resolve | | AP-STUD | | | | | | CNAME mediaprint1.private.uw |
recondo.private.uw | resolve | | IST | | | | Timeout | | CNAME morsi3.private.uw |
watserv1.private.uw | resolve | | IST | | | | Drop point for ClassList and Student Extract data. No web services. | | A |
wilresearchdev.private.uw | resolve | wilresearch.uw | AP-COOP | | | | | | CNAME campusiisdev.uw |
problemgambling.uw | redirect | gamblingresearch.uw | ART | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME agora.uw |
projectleadership.uw | resolve | | AVP-AS | | | dperkins | | Certificate in Project Leadership (AVP-AS) | CNAME redfox.uw |
www.projectleadership.uw | resolve | projectleadership.uw | AVP-AS | Non-WCMS | | dperkins | | | CNAME redfox.uw |
psi.uw | resolve | | PHYS | | Login Page | | | | CNAME scidean66.uw |
pssa-test.uw | resolve | | ART | | Student Association | uwpssa@googlegroups.com | white screen | | CNAME agora.uw |
psyche.uw | resolve | mailservices.uw | IST | | | | | | A |
www.psychology.uw | redirect | psychology.uw | PSYCH | WCMS | Departmental | | DONE | Centre for Mental Health Research and Treatment (PSYCH) | CNAME psychology.uw |
pts.uw | resolve | | AVP-AS | WCMS | | | Sub-site of Centre for Extended Learning | Centre for Extended Learning - Part-Time Studies (AVP-AS) | CNAME redfox.uw |
publicservice.uw | redirect | mps.uw | ART | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME artsonline.uw |
qc.uw | resolve | | CS | | Research Group | cleve | | Quantum Computing Research Group (CS) | CNAME haproxy.cs.uw |
qncfab.uw | resolve | | VPA | | Lab | sgweiss | IQC site | | CNAME valiant.qnc.uw |
qomsboc2016.uw | resolve | | CHEM | | | | | Québec-Ontario Mini-Symposium for Synthetic and Bioorganic Chemistry (CHEM) | CNAME scisp.uw |
quarantine.uw | resolve | | | | | | Timeout | | CNAME phage8.uw |
quark.uw | resolve | ovs.uw | OPTOM | WCMS | | | DONE | | A |
www.quintessence.uw | resolve | | FR | WCMS | | | DONE | Quintessence (FR) | CNAME agora.uw |
quixote.uw | resolve | | PHYS | | | | pointer page for ~ sites (eg. quixote.uwaterloo.ca/~mbalogh/) | | A |
quizbowl.uw | resolve | | UW | | Club | | | UW Quiz Bowl (UW) | CNAME csclub.uw |
real.uw | resolve | | SYDE | WCMS | Research Group | | DONE | Motion Research Group (SYDE) | A |
rec.uw | resolve | | REC | WCMS | | | DONE | Recreation and Leisure Studies (REC) | CNAME healthy.uw |
recondo.uw | resolve | recondo.private.uw | IST | | | | | | CNAME recondo.private.uw |
redfox.uw | resolve | | | | | | 404 | | A |
religiousstudies.uw | resolve | | RS | WCMS | | | DONE | Religious Studies (RS) | CNAME watarts.uw |
www.religiousstudies.uw | resolve | religiousstudies.uw | RS | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME watarts.uw |
remotehelp.uw | resolve | | IST | | | | Bombgar | University of Waterloo Support Portal (IST) | A |
www.renison.uw | resolve | | REN | WCMS | | | DONE | Renison University College (REN) | CNAME watarts.uw |
www.reserves.uw | resolve | | LIB | WCMS | | | IIS page (see: https://www.reserves.uwaterloo.ca/ares/info_instruct.html) | | CNAME libaresprd02.lib.uw |
rezhomeforms.uw | resolve | | AP-STUD | | | skihut | | Waterloo Residences Forms (AP-STUD) | CNAME home-prod-web.uw |
rezwelcome.uw | resolve | | AP-STUD | | | skihut | | Residence Welcome Site (AP-STUD) | CNAME home-prod-web.uw |
richmedia.uw | resolve | | IST | | | kbookan | Dev system. | Development server for multimedia delivery service (IST) | A |
ripple.uw | resolve | | CS | | | | | | CNAME haproxy.cs.uw |
robhill.uw | resolve | | PHYS | WCMS | research group | | DONE | Hill Physics Group (PHYS) | CNAME scidean66.uw |
robotics.uw | not | uwrobotics.uw | ME | Non-WCMS | | robotics@engmail.uwaterloo.ca | | | CNAME ecserv15.uw |
rocket.uw | resolve | | CS | | | | cs-rsg-networks@cscf.cs.uwaterloo.ca | | A |
rousseau.uw | resolve | | SYDE | | | mahindra | connection timed out | | A |
rs-wcweb.uw | resolve | | AP-STUD | WCMS | | | | | A |
rt.uw | resolve | | IST | | | | | Request Tracker (RT) (IST) | A |
rt44.uw | resolve | rt.uw | IST | Non-WCMS | | | | | CNAME rt.uw |
rtpark.uw | resolve | | VP-URES | WCMS | | | DONE | David Johnston Research + Technology Park (VP-URES) | A |
saf.uw | resolve | accounting.uw | ACC | WCMS | | | DONE | School of Accounting and Finance (ACC) | CNAME watarts.uw |
www.saf.uw | resolve | accounting.uw | ACC | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME watarts.uw |
sas.uw | resolve | | STATACTSC | WCMS | | | DONE | Statistics and Actuarial Science (STATACTSC) | CNAME www.math.uw |
saw.uw | resolve | | IST | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME ist.uw |
www.saw.uw | resolve | saw.uw | IST | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME ist.uw |
www.sbsa.uw | resolve | science.uw | SCI | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME science.uw |
sca.uw | resolve | ieee.uw | ECE | Non-WCMS | | | | | A |
scap.uw | resolve | | DRAMA | WCMS | | | | Speech Communication Ambassador Program (DRAMA) | CNAME agora.uw |
www.scap.uw | resolve | scap.uw | DRAMA | | | | Blank Page | | CNAME agora.uw |
www.scg.uw | resolve | | CS | | Research Group | glabahn | | Computer Algebra & Symbolic Computation (CS), Symbolic Computation Group (CS) | CNAME haproxy.cs.uw |
schooner.uw | resolve | | ENG | | | | page with links to engineering and nexus | UW Common Look and Feel Skin (ENG) | A |
www.sci.uw | resolve | science.uw | SCI | WCMS | | | DONE | | A |
sciborg.uw | resolve | science.uw | SCI | WCMS | | | DONE | | A |
www.sciborg.uw | resolve | science.uw | SCI | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME science.uw |
scicom.uw | resolve | | CS | | Research Group | scicom@cs.uwaterloo.ca | | Scientific Computation Group (CS) | CNAME haproxy.cs.uw |
www.scicom.uw | resolve | scicom.uw | CS | | Research Group | scicom@cs.uwaterloo.ca | | | CNAME haproxy.cs.uw |
science.uw | resolve | | SCI | WCMS | | | DONE | Science (SCI) | A |
www.science.uw | resolve | science.uw | SCI | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME science.uw |
science-research.uw | resolve | | SCI | | | | connection timed out | | CNAME sci-research.uw |
sciencearchive.uw | resolve | | SCI | | | | white screen | | CNAME science.uw |
scienide2.uw | resolve | | CHEM | | Event | sforgrav | | | A |
scipher.uw | resolve | | SCI | | | | "It works!" | | A |
sciprint.uw | resolve | | SCI | | | | "It works" | | CNAME scipher.uw |
sciserv2.uw | resolve | | SCI | | | | Unable to connect | | A |
scispace.uw | resolve | | SCI | | | | | SciSpace (SCI) | A |
scomrep.uw | resolve | nexrep.uw | | | | | 404 | | CNAME nexrep.uw |
scomreports.uw | resolve | nexrep.uw | | | | | 404 | | CNAME nexrep.uw |
scp.uw | resolve | | CHEM | | Event | sforgrav | | Symposium on Chemical Physics (CHEM) | CNAME ueil.uw |
www.scrubs.uw | resolve | science.uw | SCI | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME science.uw |
www.scs.uw | resolve | | DRAMA | WCMS | Student Society | scswaterloo@gmail.com | | Speech Communication Society (DRAMA) | CNAME agora.uw |
sd-research.uw | resolve | | MSCI | | | | | Stanko Dimitrov Research (MSCI) | A |
sdb.uw | resolve | | CS | | | epfchan | connection timed out | | A |
www.sdpeterson.uw | resolve | | ME | | Research Group | peterson | | Fluid Flow Physics group (ME) | CNAME ecserv15.uw |
se.uw | resolve | | CS | | Research Group | webmaster@swag.uwaterloo.ca | | Software Engineering Research Group (CS) | CNAME haproxy.cs.uw |
www.se.uw | resolve | se.uw | CS | Non-WCMS | | webmaster@swag.uwaterloo.ca | | | CNAME haproxy.cs.uw |
sendforth.uw | resolve | sendit.uw | IST | | | | | | A |
sendit.uw | resolve | | IST | | | | | Secure File Transfer Service (IST) | CNAME sendforth.uw |
serve.uw | resolve | | ATHL | | Club | | | | CNAME csclub.uw |
server.uw | resolve | | CIVE | | | kevin | civil-eng | | A |
sfpr.uw | resolve | | UW | | Club | sfpruw@gmail.com | | Students for Palestinian Rights (UW) | CNAME csclub.uw |
shad.uw | resolve | | ENV | WCMS | | | DONE | Shad Waterloo (ENV) | CNAME cki.uw |
www.shad.uw | resolve | shad.uw | ENV | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME cki.uw |
shannon2.uw | resolve | cst.uw | ECE | | Lab | mamouika | | | CNAME cst.uw |
sharepoint.uw | resolve | | IST | | | | | SharePoint (IST) | CNAME sp16a.uw |
shoshin.uw | resolve | | CS | | | | "This site's security certificate is not trusted!" | Shoshin Research Group (CS) | A |
showtime.uw | resolve | | IST | | | kbookan | Cluster name; no web services. | | A |
sifaka.uw | resolve | | ECE | | | | "sifaka" - pointer page for ~ accounts (see: http://sifaka.uwaterloo.ca/~akenning/)? | | A |
sig.uw | resolve | | ENV | WCMS | Institute | marko | | | CNAME artsonline.uw |
www.sig.uw | resolve | sig.uw | ENV | | Institute | info@sig.uwaterloo.ca | | | CNAME artsonline.uw |
sin.uw | resolve | | PHYS | WCMS | | sforgrav | DONE | Sir Isaac Newton Exam (PHYS) | CNAME sciweb1.uw |
www.sin.uw | resolve | sin.uw | PHYS | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME sciweb1.uw |
site.uw | not | www.swigs.uw | CIVE | | Institute | | | | A |
sju.uw | resolve | | STJ | | | | connection timed out | | CNAME sju-serv1.uw |
sled.uw | resolve | | ME | | | | | University of Waterloo Clean Snowmobile Team (ME) | CNAME csclub.uw |
smarts.uw | resolve | | ART | | | sean | hosted on artsonline | | CNAME artsonline.uw |
smbp.uw | resolve | | AVP-AS | | | | | Social Media for Business Performance (AVP-AS) | A
A |
smithgroup.uw | resolve | | CHEM | | | | | Smith Research Group (CHEM) | A |
snowcore.uw | resolve | | GEOG | | | jmtjendr | From Michael: URL link leads to nowhere, server has reached end-of-life | Snowtweets Project (GEOG) | A |
sociology.uw | resolve | | SOC | WCMS | | | DONE | Sociology and Legal Studies (SOC) | CNAME watarts.uw |
www.sociology.uw | resolve | sociology.uw | SOC | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME watarts.uw |
sociologyandlegalstudies.uw | resolve | sociology.uw | SOC | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME watarts.uw |
www.sociologyandlegalstudies.uw | resolve | sociology.uw | SOC | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME watarts.uw |
socsoc.uw | resolve | | STJ | | Student Society | socsoc | | | CNAME caffeine.csclub.uw |
softeng.uw | resolve | | VPA | WCMS | | | DONE | Software Engineering (VPA) | CNAME haproxy.cs.uw |
www.softeng.uw | resolve | softeng.uw | VPA | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME haproxy.cs.uw |
solo.uw | resolve | db.uw | CS | Non-WCMS | | | | | CNAME haproxy.cs.uw |
sophs.uw | resolve | | PHARM | | Society | pharmsoc | They have a new website: www.sophs.ca | | CNAME csclub.uw |
www.sophs.uw | resolve | | PHARM | | | | | | CNAME csclub.uw |
spacesoc.uw | resolve | | UW | Non-WCMS | | | | Waterloo Space Society (UW) | CNAME csclub.uw |
www.spacesoc.uw | resolve | spacesoc.uw | FEDS | Non-WCMS | | | The conection has timed out error | | CNAME csclub.uw |
spanish.uw | resolve | | SPAN | WCMS | | | DONE | Spanish and Latin American Studies (SPAN) | CNAME watarts.uw |
www.spanish.uw | resolve | spanish.uw | SPAN | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME watarts.uw |
sparta.uw | resolve | dmam.uw | IST | Non-WCMS | | | | | A |
speedy.uw | resolve | flax9.uw | CS | | | | hosted on flax9 (cs-rsg-plg@cs.uwaterloo.ca) | | CNAME flax9.uw |
squall.uw | resolve | | CS | | | | squall.cs.uwaterloo.ca | | CNAME squall.cs.uw |
src-data-web1.uw | resolve | | SOC | | | s5mcconn | Survey Research Centre: http://src-data-web1.uwaterloo.ca/survey/start/cawi/studyclosed.htm (dns-math-admin@math.uwaterloo.ca) | Survey Research Centre (survey server) (SOC) | A |
stargroup.uw | resolve | | ECE | | Research Group | mamouika | | Software Technologies Applied Research Laboratory (ECE) | A |
www.stargroup.uw | resolve | stargroup.uw | ECE | | | mamouika | | | CNAME stargroup.uw |
www.stats.uw | resolve | | STATACTSC | Non-WCMS | | | | | CNAME www.math.uw |
statsclub.uw | resolve | | STATACTSC | | Club | statsclu | | UW Statistics Club (STATACTSC) | A |
stavrogin.uw | resolve | | PHYS | | | mbalogh | physics (workstation?) | | A |
stratfordcampus.uw | resolve | | ART | WCMS | | | DONE | Stratford School of Interaction Design and Business (ART) | CNAME artsonline.uw |
mdei.stratfordcampus.uw | resolve | | ART | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME artsonline.uw |
www.stratfordcampus.uw | resolve | stratfordcampus.uw | ART | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME artsonline.uw |
stratfordcampusblog.uw | resolve | | ART | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME agora.uw |
streamdaylighting.uw | resolve | | ENV | WCMS | | | 866864 | Stream Daylighting (PLAN) | A |
styx.uw | resolve | nds.uw | CS | Non-WCMS | | | " This site's security certificate is not trusted!" | | CNAME styx.shoshin.uw |
subjectguides.uw | resolve | | LIB | | Library | carolynv | | Subject & Course Research Guides (LIB) | CNAME region-ca.libguides.com |
sun580.uw | resolve | | IST | | | mikeb | IST xhier master for Solaris 5.8 machines | | CNAME sun510.uw |
svn-plg.uw | resolve | plg.uw | CS | | Research Group | pabuhr | | | CNAME plg2.cs.uw |
swag.uw | resolve | www.swag.uw | CS | | Research Group | rtholmes | | Software Architecture Group (CS) | CNAME uw-swag.github.io |
www.swag.uw | resolve | | CS | | Research Group | rtholmes | | | CNAME haproxy.cs.uw |
swing.uw | resolve | | ATHL | | Club | uwswing@gmail.com | | UW Swing Club (ATHL) | CNAME csclub.uw |
swingclub.uw | resolve | swing.uw | ATHL | Non-WCMS | | | | | CNAME csclub.uw |
www.syde.uw | resolve | systems.uw | SYDE | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME ecserv15.uw |
sydewww.uw | resolve | systems.uw | SYDE | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME ecserv15.uw |
www.synaesthesia.uw | resolve | | PSYCH | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME watarts.uw |
systems.uw | resolve | | SYDE | WCMS | | | DONE | | A |
www.systems.uw | resolve | systems.uw | SYDE | WCMS | | | DONE | Systems Design Engineering (SYDE) | CNAME ecserv15.uw |
tart.uw | resolve | | FINE | | | | Art & Technology | T'Art - Art & Technology (FINE) | CNAME agora.uw |
tcs.uw | resolve | | IST | | | kbookan | ITMS TelePresence services | ITMS TelePresence Services (IST) | A
A |
tecshowcase.uw | resolve | | AVP-AS | | | dbean | | TEC Showcase (AVP-AS) | CNAME cel-linux-prod-lb-1.uw |
testtube.uw | resolve | | LIB | | | | Java error | Where is it? • Library Floor Plans (LIB) | A |
www.thoralf.uw | resolve | | PMATH | Non-WCMS | personal site | | | | CNAME www.math.uw |
touchlab.uw | resolve | | MSCI | | | | | Touchlab (MSCI) | A |
tqt.uw | resolve | | VPA | | | tforrest | RT - 622283 | Transformative Quantum Technologies (TQT) (VPA) | CNAME tqtuwaterloo.com |
tron2014.uw | resolve | | FEDS | | | | hosted on csclub.uwaterloo.ca | | CNAME csclub.uw |
troposphere.uw | resolve | | AMATH | | | | Part of ace.uwaterloo.ca? | | A |
ts-cpmgr.uw | resolve | | IST | | | jomarra | IIS default page | | A |
tsa.uw | resolve | | UW | | Club | tsa | | uWaterloo Teaching Students' Association (UW) | CNAME csclub.uw |
tuque.uw | resolve | | ENG | | | | | | CNAME ecserv18.uw |
tux.uw | resolve | | IST | | | gdmalet | workstation | | A |
ucalendar.uw | resolve | | | | | | | | CNAME led-c.uw |
www.ucalendar.uw | resolve | | REGIS | | | | | Undergraduate Calendar archives (REGIS) | CNAME led-c.uw |
uclp.uw | resolve | | CS | | | rboutaba | | | CNAME haproxy.cs.uw |
ugradcalendar.uw | resolve | | REGIS | | | | | Undergraduate Calendar (REGIS) | CNAME acms-prod.uw |
uhuru.uw | resolve | carg.uw | ECE | | | | | | A |
unix.uw | resolve | | IST | WCMS | | | | | CNAME ist.uw |
userver.uw | resolve | | CS | | Project | brecht | | | CNAME haproxy.cs.uw |
usjc.uw | resolve | | STJ | | | | connection timed out | | CNAME sju-serv1.uw |
uwaa.uw | resolve | | CS | | | | | | CNAME csclub.uw |
uwaas.uw | resolve | | FEDS | | | | hosted on csclub.uwaterloo.ca | | CNAME csclub.uw |
uwaft.uw | resolve | | ENG | Non-WCMS | | | The conection has timed out error | | A |
uwag.uw | resolve | artgallery.uw | FINE | | Gallery | ijurakic | | | CNAME agora.uw |
www.uwag.uw | resolve | artgallery.uw | FINE | | | ijurakic | | | CNAME agora.uw |
uwasa.uw | resolve | | UW | | | | African Students Association (hosted on caffeine.csclub.uwaterloo.ca) | University of Waterloo African Students Association (UW) | CNAME caffeine.csclub.uw |
uwat.uw | resolve | | IST | Non-WCMS | | | | | A |
uwcbc.uw | resolve | | UW | | Club | uwconcertbandclub@gmail.com | | UW Concert Band Club (UW) | CNAME csclub.uw |
uwcisa.uw | resolve | | ACC | WCMS | Center | | | | CNAME agora.uw |
uwcomedy.uw | resolve | | FEDS | | | | hosted on csclub.uwaterloo.ca | | CNAME csclub.uw |
www.uwdir.uw | not | ego.uw | IST | Non-WCMS | | | old UWdir site | | CNAME ego.private.uw |
uwdj.uw | resolve | | FEDS | | | | hosted on csclub.uwaterloo.ca | | CNAME csclub.uw |
www.uwdj.uw | resolve | uwdj.uw | FEDS | | | | connection timed out | | CNAME csclub.uw |
uwdp.uw | resolve | | UW | | Club | uwdanceco@hotmail.com | | UW Dance Company (UW) | CNAME csclub.uw |
www.uweg.uw | resolve | | BIOL | WCMS | | k2thomas | | University of Waterloo Ecology Group (BIOL) | CNAME science.uw |
uwenglishtutors.uw | resolve | | FEDS | | | | UW English Tutors Club | | CNAME caffeine.csclub.uw |
uwenglsoc.uw | resolve | | ENGL | Non-WCMS | | | | UW English Society (ENGL) | CNAME csclub.uw |
uwfarmsa.uw | resolve | | MAT | | Association | waterloo.farmsa@gmail.com | | | CNAME csclub.uw |
uwfcc.uw | resolve | www.uwfcc.uw | FEDS | | Club | theuwfcc@gmail.com | | | CNAME csclub.uw |
www.uwfcc.uw | resolve | | FEDS | | Club | theuwfcc@gmail.com | | | CNAME csclub.uw |
uwfile.uw | resolve | | IST | | | | Unable to connect | | A |
uwfitness.uw | resolve | | AHS | WCMS | | | DONE | UW Fitness (AHS) | CNAME healthy.uw |
www.uwfitness.uw | resolve | uwfitness.uw | AHS | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME healthy.uw |
uwgamers.uw | resolve | | FEDS | | Club | uwgamers@gmail.com | | | CNAME csclub.uw |
uwgea.uw | resolve | | FEDS | | Alliance | | hosted on csclub.uwaterloo.ca | | CNAME csclub.uw |
uwgreens.uw | resolve | | FEDS | | Club | uwgreens@yahoo.com | old site | | CNAME csclub.uw |
uwlabyrinth.uw | resolve | classics-labyrinth.uw | CLASSICS | | | | | | CNAME agora.uw |
uwmcc.uw | resolve | | UW | | Club | uwmcc.president@gmail.com | | UW Management Consulting Club (UW) | CNAME csclub.uw |
uwrocketry.uw | resolve | | ME | Non-WCMS | Student Team | uwrocketry@gmail.com | | Waterloo Rocketry Team (ME) | CNAME ghs.google.com |
uwrotaract.uw | resolve | | FEDS | | Club | president@waterloorotaract.com | | UW Rotaract Club (UW) | CNAME csclub.uw |
uwsac.uw | resolve | | ATHL | | | | Landing page redirecting user to: http://warriorsstrength.wordpress.com/ | Warriors Strength & Conditioning Club (ATHL) | CNAME csclub.uw |
uwspace.uw | resolve | | LIB | | Library | carolynv | | UWSpace - Electronic Theses and Dissertation (LIB) | CNAME libuwspaceprd02.uw |
uwstart.uw | resolve | | FEDS | | | | hosted on csclub.uwaterloo.ca | | CNAME csclub.uw |
uwtennisclub.uw | resolve | | ATHL | | Club | uwtennis@gmail.com | | UW Tennis Club (ATHL) | CNAME csclub.uw |
uwtoastmasters.uw | resolve | | FEDS | | Club | | old site | | CNAME csclub.uw |
uwtrackitii.uw | resolve | | VP-AF | | | | | SCLogic (VP-AF) | A |
uwveg.uw | resolve | | UW | | Club | uwvegetarians@gmail.com | old site | University of Waterloo Vegetarian Club (UW) | CNAME csclub.uw |
uwwd.uw | resolve | | UW | | Club | execcom-uwwd@googlegroups.com | old site | UW Website Designers (UW) | CNAME csclub.uw |
www.uwwd.uw | resolve | uwwd.uw | FEDS | | Club | execcom-uwwd@googlegroups.com | | | CNAME csclub.uw |
varsity.uw | resolve | athletics.uw | ATHL | | | | | | CNAME waterloo.sidearmsports.com |
www.varsity.uw | resolve | | ATHL | | | jhagen | | Varsity Sports (ATHL) | CNAME waterloo.sidearmsports.com |
velocity.uw | resolve | | AP-STUD | | | velocity | | Velocity (AP-STUD) | CNAME led-c.uw |
www.velocity.uw | resolve | velocity.uw | AP-STUD | Non-WCMS | | velocity | | | CNAME led-c.uw |
vito.uw | resolve | | IST | | | p2dietri | SSL connection error | | A |
vlsi.uw | resolve | | ECE | | | | "Forbidden" | | A |
sun5.vlsi.uw | resolve | | ECE | | | jabarby | Second Choice: craigs@analogy.com (Saber Users Group Secretary). | | A |
voc.uw | resolve | | FEDS | | Club | | | | CNAME csclub.uw |
vote.uw | resolve | | IST | | | ltomalty | | | A |
www.wanopt.uw | resolve | | MSCI | | | | | Waterloo Analytics and Optimization (MSCI) | CNAME ecserv15.uw |
warrior.uw | resolve | | ATHL | | | jkarnem | | Atheletics UWaterloo Member Portal (ATHL) | A |
www.warrior.uw | resolve | | ATHL | | | | 404 | | CNAME warrior.uw |
warriors.uw | resolve | athletics.uw | ATHL | | | | | | CNAME waterloo.sidearmsports.com |
watarts.uw | resolve | arts.uw | ART | WCMS | | | DONE | | A |
watcard.uw | resolve | | AP-STUD | WCMS | | mcjack | | WatCard (AP-STUD) | CNAME rs-wcweb.uw |
www.watcard.uw | resolve | watcard.uw | AP-STUD | | | mcjack | | | CNAME rs-wcweb.uw |
watcardweb.uw | resolve | | AP-STUD | | | | 404 | | CNAME rs-wcweb.uw |
www.watcardweb.uw | resolve | watcardweb.uw | AP-STUD | | | | 404 | | CNAME rs-wcweb.uw |
watcut.uw | resolve | | CHEM | | | mpalmer | | | CNAME mike-palmer-server.uw |
waterinstitute.uw | redirect | water.uw | VPA | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME campusiis.uw |
waterloo-ubf.uw | resolve | | FEDS | | Club | waterlooubf@hotmail.com | | | CNAME csclub.uw |
watform.uw | resolve | | CS | WCMS | Research Group | | | Waterloo Formal Methods (CS) | CNAME haproxy.cs.uw |
www.watform.uw | resolve | watform.uw | CS | Non-WCMS | Research Group | watform@cs.uwaterloo.ca | | | CNAME haproxy.cs.uw |
watitis.uw | resolve | | IST | WCMS | | | Still on this host: Registration form, survey, and other. | WatITis (IST) | CNAME led-c.uw |
watmims.uw | resolve | | MSCI | | | | connection timed out - Management of Intergrated Manufacturing Systems | | A |
www.watmims.uw | resolve | | MSCI | | Research Group | watmims | | Waterloo Management of Integrated Manufacturing Systems (MSCI) | CNAME ecserv15.uw |
www.watpd-engineering.uw | resolve | www.pdeng.uw | ENG | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME ecserv15.uw |
watsa.uw | resolve | | CS | Non-WCMS | | | | | CNAME csclub.uw |
watserv1.uw | resolve | watserv1.private.uw | IST | | | | connection timed out | | CNAME watserv1.private.uw |
watsfic.uw | resolve | | UW | | Club | watsfic@gmail.com | | Waterloo Science Fiction and Fantasy Club (WatSFiC) (UW) | CNAME csclub.uw |
www.watsfic.uw | resolve | watsfic.uw | FEDS | | Club | watsfic@gmail.com | | | CNAME csclub.uw |
watsup.uw | not | cpami.uw | ECE | WCMS | | | DONE | | A |
wavelab.uw | resolve | | ME | | Research Group | stevenw | | Waterloo Autonomous Vehicles Laboratory (ME) | CNAME wavelab-srv.uw |
wcgs.uw | resolve | | GERSLAV | WCMS | | | DONE | Waterloo Centre for German Studies (WCGS) (GERSLAV) | CNAME watarts.uw |
wcms-training.uw | resolve | | IST | | | | WCMS | | A |
weather.uw | resolve | | CIVE | | Weather Station | frseglen | | University of Waterloo Weather Station (CIVE) | CNAME site.uw |
www.weather.uw | resolve | weather.uw | CIVE | | | | | | CNAME site.uw |
webcheckout.uw | resolve | | | | | | Apache default page | | A |
wec.uw | resolve | | ENG | | Competition | wec@engmail.uwaterloo.ca | | Waterloo Engineering Competition (ENG) | CNAME ecserv15.uw |
www.wec.uw | resolve | wec.uw | ENG | | | wec@engmail.uwaterloo.ca | | | CNAME ecserv15.uw |
weconnect.uw | resolve | | ENG | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME ecserv15.uw |
www.weconnect.uw | resolve | weconnect.uw | ENG | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME ecserv15.uw |
weef.uw | resolve | | ENG | | Endowment Fund | weef | | Waterloo Engineering Endowment Foundation (ENG) | CNAME ecserv15.uw |
www.weef.uw | resolve | weef.uw | ENG | | | weef | | | CNAME ecserv15.uw |
wepil.uw | resolve | | CHEM | | | tong | chemestry (workstation?) | | A |
whaton.uw | resolve | | EARTH | | Newsletter | pfoerste | Sarah: houses all of our back issues (pdfs) of the whaton earth newsletter | What on Earth (EARTH) | CNAME science.uw |
www.whaton.uw | resolve | whaton.uw | EARTH | | | | | | CNAME science.uw |
wics.uw | resolve | | CS | | | | | Women in Computer Science (CS) | A |
wie.uw | resolve | | ENG | WCMS | | | DONE | Women in Engineering (ENG) | CNAME ecserv15.uw |
wihs.uw | resolve | | CLASSICS | WCMS | | | DONE | Waterloo Institute for Hellenistic Studies (CLASSICS) | CNAME artsonline.uw |
www.wihs.uw | resolve | wihs.uw | CLASSICS | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME artsonline.uw |
wilresearch.uw | resolve | | AP-COOP | | | | | Work Integrated Learning Research Portal (AP-COOP) | CNAME campusiis.uw |
wirex.uw | resolve | | FEDS | | Club | wirex.uwaterloo@gmail.com | DB function failed | | CNAME csclub.uw |
wirtschaftsdeutsch.uw | resolve | arts.uw | ART | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME watarts.uw |
wise.uw | resolve | | CIVE | | Institute | iwstrick | info@wise.uwaterloo.ca. | Waterloo Institute for Sustainable Energy (CIVE) | A |
www.wise.uw | resolve | wise.uw | CIVE | | Institute | iwstrick | info@wise.uwaterloo.ca. | | CNAME wise.uw |
wkliu.uw | resolve | | PHYS | | Personal | wkliu | | | CNAME science.uw |
wlsg.uw | resolve | | UW | | Club | dscassel | old site | Waterloo Libre Software Group (UW) | CNAME csclub.uw |
wms-admin.uw | resolve | | IST | | | | WCMS | | CNAME wms-aux1.uw |
wms-aux1.uw | resolve | | IST | | | | WCMS | | A |
wms-feeds.uw | resolve | | IST | | | | WCMS | Important Dates (Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs) (GRAD) | A |
wms-profiles.uw | resolve | | IST | | | | WCMS | | A |
wms-staging.uw | resolve | | IST | | | | WCMS | | A |
womensstudies.uw | resolve | | WS | WCMS | | | DONE | Gender and Social Justice (WS) | CNAME watarts.uw |
www.womensstudies.uw | resolve | womensstudies.uw | WS | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME watarts.uw |
worldwithoutworms.uw | resolve | | FEDS | | | worldwithoutwormswc@gmail.com | | | CNAME csclub.uw |
www.wrap.uw | resolve | | PSYCH | WCMS | | | DONE | Waterloo Research in Aging Participant Pool (PSYCH) | CNAME watarts.uw |
writingworks.uw | resolve | | AVP-AS | | | | | Waterloo Writing Works (AVP-AS) | A
A |
wsic.uw | resolve | | UW | | Club | | old site | Waterloo Students for the Information Commons (UW) | CNAME csclub.uw |
wsus.uw | resolve | | IST | | | | IIS default page | | CNAME wsus1.uw |
wvlc.uw | resolve | | UW | | Center | mayfield | connection timed out | | CNAME colin6.uw |
ww1.uw | resolve | | ECE | | | wswong | ubuntu desktop ECE | | A |
www.uw | resolve | | VP-UREL | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME www-onprem.uw |
wwwinweh.uw | resolve | | CIVE | | | | connection timed out - International Network on Water, Environment and Health ?? | | A |
youngliberals.uw | resolve | | UW | | Club | | old site | Young Liberals Club (UW) | CNAME csclub.uw |
uwimprint.ca | resolve | | NONUW | | | | | | A |
wcgs.ca | resolve | wcgs.uw | GERSLAV | WCMS | | | DONE | | A |
www.wcgs.ca | resolve | wcgs.uw | GERSLAV | WCMS | | | DONE | | CNAME watarts.uw |
wisir.ca | resolve | | | | | | | | A |
wlu.ca | resolve | | NONUW | | | | UW provides backup DNS | | A |
www.wpgg.ca | resolve | | ERS | WCMS | | jmtjendr | | Water Policy and Governance Group (ERS) | A |
writeonline.ca | resolve | | AVP-AS | | | | | Write Online (Academic Writing) (AVP-AS) | A
A |
www.writeonline.ca | resolve | writeonline.ca | AP-STUD | Non-WCMS | | | | | A
A |
academyofleisuresciences.com | resolve | | REC | | | | | | A |
cryptoworks21.com | resolve | cryptoworks21.uw | VPA | Non-WCMS | | | IQC site | | A |
www.cstads.com | resolve | | AHS | WCMS | | | | | CNAME cstads.com |
www.ectade.com | redirect | ectade.com | AHS | WCMS | | | | | CNAME ectade.com |
grand-nce.com | resolve | grand-nce.ca | NONUW | | | | | | A |
interraicanada.com | resolve | interraicanada.uw | HLTHGERON | | | | | | A |
qcintro.com | resolve | qcintro.ca | VPA | | | jszimans | | | A |
qeyssat.com | resolve | qeyssat.ca | VPA | WCMS | | | DONE | | A |
uwaterloo.qualtrics.com | resolve | | IST | | | | | Qualtrics (IST) | CNAME cloudenhanced.qualtrics.com.edgekey.net |
rtparkwatch.com | not | rtparkwatch.ca | VP-URES | | | | | | A |
www.rtparkwatch.com | not | rtparkwatch.ca | VP-URES | | | | | | A |
www.uwaviation.com | resolve | | FEDS | | | | | | CNAME gcdn0.wixdns.net |
cryptoworks21.info | resolve | cryptoworks21.uw | VPA | Non-WCMS | | | IQC site | | A |
sfx.scholarsportal.info | resolve | | LIB | | | | | SFX (e-Journal Titles) (LIB), UW Ex Libris (LIB) | CNAME aproxy.scholarsportal.info |
cryptoworks21.net | resolve | cryptoworks21.uw | VPA | Non-WCMS | | | IQC site | | A |
polardata.net | resolve | polardata.ca | GEOG | | | | | | A |
ae4h.org | resolve | | CIVE | | | | | | A |
cryptoworks21.org | resolve | cryptoworks21.uw | VPA | Non-WCMS | | | IQC site | | A |
grand-nce.org | resolve | grand-nce.ca | NONUW | | | | | | A |
iage-net.org | resolve | | ENG | | | | | International Association for Green Energy (ENG) | A
A |
interraicanada.org | resolve | interraicanada.uw | HLTHGERON | | | | | | A |
ioi2010.org | resolve | | CS | | | | | | A |
ioinformatics.org | resolve | | CS | | International Olympiad in Informatics | | | | A |
isclr.org | resolve | | OPTOM | | International Society for Contact Lens Research | | | | A
A |
www.itcproject.org | resolve | | PSYCH | | | | | International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Project (ITC) (PSYCH) | CNAME itcproject.org |
mhso.org | resolve | | CGC | | | | Mennonite Historical Society of Ontario | Mennonite Historical Society of Ontario (CGC) | A |
ohcrn.org | resolve | | HLTHGERON | | | | | Ontario Home Care Research Network (HLTHGERON) | A |
polardata.org | resolve | polardata.ca | GEOG | | | | | | A |
qcintro.org | resolve | qcintro.ca | VPA | | | jszimans | | | A |
requirements-engineering.org | resolve | | CS | | | | | | A
A |
scholarly-societies.org | resolve | | LIB | Non-WCMS | | | last updated in 2009 | | A |