UW Web Sites

Displaying 1001 - 1100 of 2059
1=yes, 0=no, blank=all
Site namesort descending Edit WCMS Path Unit code Status Contact Email Rt Go Live Date Template
Keep Learning Edit keep-learning IST done jcooke 1049022 2020-03-12 UW
Keeping Well at Work Edit keeping-well-at-work AP-HR done krkowals 1000806 2019-09-24 Conference
KIN at 50: Looking Back, Moving Forward Edit kin-50-looking-back-moving-forward KIN done mdouglas 767284 2018-03-06 UW
Kindred Credit Union Centre for Peace Advancement Edit centre-peace-advancement CGC done jkonkle 382188 2015-06-04 Generic
Kinema: a journal for film and audiovisual media Edit FINE em2roger
Kinesiology and Health Sciences Edit kinesiology-health-sciences KIN done mdouglas 245294 2012-11-15 UW
Kinesiology Graduate Student Association Edit kinesiology-graduate-student-association KIN done mdouglas 505395 2016-07-28 UW
Knowledge Integration Edit knowledge-integration ENV done nhstrake 220294 2012-02-16 UW
Knowledge Integration eXhibition Edit knowledge-integration-exhibition ENV done nhstrake 262181 2013-02-07 UW
Kohandel Group Edit AMATH nbenedet
Kwon's Research Group Edit ME
Kycia Low Temperature Group Edit PHYS sforgrav
L'Ontario Françaises et ses Premiers Textes Edit premiers-textes FR done wphilpot 296709 2014-08-21 Generic w wordmark
Lab for Infant Development and Language Edit lab-infant-development-language PSYCH done bee 331638 2014-05-01 UW
Labo de leadership en patrimoine Edit labo-leadership-patrimoine ENV done nhstrake 1107450 2020-11-04 UW
Laboratory for Emerging Energy Research Edit ME
Laboratory for Knowledge Inference in Medical Image Analysis Edit SYDE
Laboratory of Computational Intelligence and Automation Edit ME
Laboratory of Nutritional Lipidomics Edit laboratory-nutritional-lipidomics KIN done mdouglas 577611 2017-05-16 UW
Labyrinth Edit CLASSICS em2roger
Lake Futures Edit lake-futures VP-AD done cbilton 702409 2017-12-12 UW
Language Lab Edit language-lab ART done em2roger 346709 2014-07-17 UW
Le Consortium Edit VP-URES
Le partenariat canadien en recherche sur les intérêts des consommateurs axée sur les politiques publiques Edit partenariat-canadien-recherche-interets-consommateurs-axee-politiques-publiques ART done em2roger 1167229 2021-08-26 UW
Leadership Effectiveness and Destructive Supervision (LEADS) Lab Edit leadership-effectiveness-and-destructive-supervision-lab PSYCH bee UW
LEADS Edit IST g8smith
LEADS Help Edit IST culled g8smith 278300 UW
Lean Conference Edit lean-conference AP-HR culled m25smith 409285 2015-04-01 UW
LEARN Help Edit learn-help IST done dfefekos 224736 2012-10-18 UW
LEARN Help - Roles and Permissions Edit AVP-AS not dbean
LEARN Help - System and Software Requirements Edit AVP-AS not dbean
Learn Mathematics Online Edit mathematics-online-learning MAT done nbenedet 834041 2018-10-18 Single-page
LEARN Tools Edit IST
Lee Research Laboratory Edit CHEM sforgrav
Legacies of Agricultural Pollutants (LEAP) Edit legacies-of-agricultural-pollutant VP-AD done cbilton 582797 2017-03-28 Generic w wordmark
Legacy Leadership Lab Edit legacy-leadership-lab ENV done nhstrake 991081 2019-10-01 UW
Legal and Immigration Services Edit legal-and-immigration-services SECRE done trau 666729 2017-10-17 UW
Legal Studies Society Edit SOC
Leonenko Research Group Edit leonenko-research-group PHYS done sforgrav 261116 2013-02-05 UW
Lettres du Japon Edit lettres-japon FR done em2roger 1063442 2020-07-14 UW
Levine Research Group Edit ECE
Librarians' and Archivists' Association of the University of Waterloo Edit librarians-archivists-association LIB done k3godfre 877692 2019-02-28 UW
Library Edit library LIB done k3godfre 308708 2015-07-16 UW
Library Accessibility Services Edit library/accessibility LIB done k3godfre 309437 2014-01-09 UW
Library Annual Report Edit library-annual-report LIB done k3godfre 1127291 2021-03-25 Single-page
Library Ask Us Edit LIB not
Library Circulation Blog Edit library/circulation-blog LIB done k3godfre 522581 2016-08-30 UW
Library Lens Edit library/library-lens LIB done k3godfre 317498 2014-02-13 UW
Library News Edit library/newz LIB culled k3godfre 314342 2014-04-08 UW
Library Staff Edit library/staff LIB done k3godfre 339640 2014-07-17 UW
Library Strategic Plan 2020-2025 Edit library-strategic-plan LIB done k3godfre 1097575 2020-10-29 Single-page
Library Subject Guides Edit LIB culled k3godfre 314339 UW
Library Technology Services Edit library/technology-services LIB culled k3godfre 324494 2014-03-25 UW
Library Update Edit library-update LIB done rakoebel 498931 2016-06-30 Publication
Library Web Redesign Edit library/web-redesign LIB done k3godfre 322160 2014-02-11 UW
Lift Psychology Undergraduate Mentorship Program Edit lift-psychology-undergraduate-mentorship-program PSYCH bee 2023-09-12
Lipid Enzyme Discovery Lab Edit lipid-enzyme-discovery-lab AHS done mdouglas 396935 2015-02-05 UW
Literature, Rhetoric, and Values Conference Edit ENGL culled
Liu Lab | Bionanotechnology & Interfaces Laboratory Edit CHEM sforgrav
Living Lab Edit living-lab ENV culled jmtjendr 1043458 2021-05-13 UW
Living Well with Dementia Edit living-well-with-dementia AHS done mdouglas 958642 2019-02-27 Generic w wordmark
Local Economic Development Edit school-environment-enterprise-development/professional-development-and-training SEED culled kmaclean
Lock It Down Edit lock-it-down IST culled smcarr 337949 2014-04-04 UW
Low-Carbon Building Skills Resource Edit low-carbon-building-skills-resource CIVE done epclemen 886171 2018-12-20 UW
MA Experimental Digital Media Edit ma-experimental-digital-media ART culled em2roger 1014709 2020-06-25 Single-page
Macintosh Technical User Group Edit macintosh-technical-user-group IST done anderson 329225 2014-04-17 UW
Maglev Microrobotics Laboratory Edit maglev-microrobotics-laboratory ME done epclemen 344942 2014-06-12 UW
Mail Services Edit IST gdmalet
Management Engineering Edit management-engineering MSCI culled epclemen 790073 2018-08-30 UW
Management Science Engineering Edit management-science-engineering MSCI done epclemen 221879 2012-03-01 UW
Management Sciences Student Association Edit MSCI culled
Managing risks of disappearance in persons living with dementia Edit managing-risks-of-disappearance-in-persons-living-with-dementia AHS done mdouglas 1238154 2022-10-06 UW
Mann Fest Edit mann-fest SCI culled sforgrav 447631 2015-10-06 UW
Map Library Assistants' Workshop Edit map-library-assistants-workshop LIB done k3godfre 245649 2013-01-17 UW
MARGOT Edit margot FR done sean 344621 2014-07-22 UW
MARGOT (French site) Edit margot-francais FR done sean 346517 2014-07-22 Generic w wordmark
Marketing & Undergraduate Recruitment Portfolio Edit marketing-and-undergraduate-recruitment-portfolio REGIS culled t8graham 560583 2016-12-01 UW
Marketing and Strategic Communications Edit marketing-strategic-communications VP-UREL culled t8graham 300209 2014-01-09 UW
Marketing and Strategic Initiatives Edit marketing-and-strategic-initiatives VP-UREL culled t8graham 519350 2016-06-23 UW
Martin Lab Edit martin-lab SCI done sforgrav 851579 2018-07-31 UW
Mass Spectrometry Facility Edit mass-spectrometry-facility CHEM done sforgrav 253225 2013-05-30 UW
Mass Spectrometry Facility Training Edit mass-spectrometry-facility-training CHEM done sforgrav 811091 2018-05-01 UW
Master of Actuarial Science Edit master-of-actuarial-science STATACTSC culled nbenedet 406786 2015-04-30 UW
Master of Digital Experience Innovation Edit digital-experience-innovation ART culled mrbyerle 483469 2016-09-27 Single-page
Master of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering with a Green Energy Certificate Edit ME
Master of Environment and Business Edit master-environment-and-business AP-GRAD culled jmtjendr 504871 2016-04-12 Single-page
Master of Peace and Conflict Studies Edit master-peace-conflict-studies CGC done jkonkle 227535 2012-05-08 Generic w wordmark
Master of Public Health Students' Association (MPHSA) Edit HLTHGERON culled
Master of Public Service Edit master-of-public-service ART done em2roger 282902 2013-07-09 UW
Master of Quantitative Finance Edit master-of-quantitative-finance MAT culled nbenedet 420104 2015-06-09 UW
Master of Taxation Edit master-of-taxation ACC done ericmah 430545 2015-08-25 UW
Materials & Nanosciences Society Edit materials-nanosciences-society SCI done sforgrav 582016 2017-04-04 UW
Materials Interface Foundry Edit materials-interface-foundry ME done epclemen 1015174 2020-12-22 UW
Math e-Ties Edit math-alumni-newsletter MAT done nbenedet 535017 2016-10-20 Publication
Math Experiential Student Success Fund Edit math-experiential-student-success-fund MAT done nbenedet 1205499 Single-page
Math Faculty Computing Facility (MFCF) Edit math-faculty-computing-facility MAT done lcsuess 433445 2015-09-22 UW
Math Faculty Computing Facility Internal Edit math-faculty-computing-facility-internal MAT done lcsuess 721936 2018-04-17 UW
Math Graduate Student Association Edit math-graduate-student-association GSA done nbenedet 1047831 2020-04-09 UW
Math Innovation Edit math-innovation MAT nbenedet 2022-09-29
Math Orientation Edit MAT culled
