UW Web Sites

Displaying 901 - 1000 of 2059
1=yes, 0=no, blank=all
Site namesort descending Edit WCMS Path Unit code Status Contact Email Rt Go Live Date Template
Indice Canadien du Mieux-être Edit indice-canadien-du-mieux-etre AHS done lpmckess 232836 2012-09-13 Generic
Indigenization in Pharmacy Edit indigenization-pharmacy PHARM done sforgrav 1128492 2021-09-15 Single-page
Indigenization Strategy Edit indigenization-strategy AVP-AS culled j3good 672578 2017-10-12 UW
Indigenous Workways Edit indigenous-workways PSYCH culled bee 923819 2019-01-15 UW
Indigenous-Mennonite Encounters in Time and Place Edit indigenous-mennonite-encounters CGC done jkonkle 1063639 2020-05-21 Conference
Indocrypt 2010 Edit ECE
Indonesian Students Association Edit UW
Industrial Organizational Psychology Student Conference Edit industrial-organizational-psychology-student-conference PSYCH done bee 296267 2013-09-12 UW
Infant & Child Studies Group Edit infant-and-child-studies-group PSYCH done bee 268758 2013-02-05 UW
Infoblox Help Page Edit IST sbourque
Information and Privacy Edit privacy SECRE done trau 227584 2012-06-12 UW
Information Systems & Technology Edit information-systems-technology IST done njenning 242099 2013-11-26 UW
Information Systems & Technology Annual Report Edit information-systems-technology-annual-report IST done njenning 692543 2018-01-17 Single-page
Information Systems & Technology Internal Edit information-systems-technology-internal IST done njenning 437983 2015-11-26 UW
Information Systems & Technology Newsletter Edit information-systems-technology-newsletter IST done njenning 639281 2017-10-12 Publication
Information Systems and Science for Energy Edit CS nbenedet
Information Systems and Technology Strategic Plan Edit information-systems-technology-strategic-plan IST done njenning 657534 2017-11-30 Single-page
Ingalls Quantitative Cell Biology Lab Edit AMATH nbenedet
Injury Biomechanics and Aging Lab Edit injury-biomechanics-aging-lab KIN done mdouglas 397022 2015-03-17 UW
Innovation Arena Edit innovation-arena VP-UREL done epclemen 1133249 2021-02-25 Single-page
Innovative Transportation System Solutions Lab Edit CIVE
Inside Arts Edit ART culled wphilpot 439187 2016-12-20 Publication
Institut d'informatique quantique Rapport Annuel 2017 Edit institute-for-quantum-computing-annual-report-fr VPA culled a3ramsay 728431 2019-05-30 Publication
Institute for Computer Research (ICR) Edit institute-computer-research ICR culled ijmorlan 221149 2012-08-21 UW
Institute for Polymer Research Edit institute-polymer-research ENG done epclemen 308275 2013-11-26 UW
Institute for Quantum Computing Edit institute-for-quantum-computing VPA done a3ramsay 274513 2013-12-17 UW
Institute for Quantum Computing Impact Report Edit institute-for-quantum-computing-impact-report VPA done a3ramsay 604157 2018-02-01 Publication
Institute for Risk Research Edit CIVE
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Student Branch Edit ENG
Institutional Analysis & Planning Edit institutional-analysis-planning AVP-AS done jngchoy 243598 2013-04-23 UW
Institutional Data Analysis & Planning Edit institutional-data-analysis-planning AVP-AS done jngchoy 1071050 2020-09-16 UW
Institutional Risk Programs Edit institutional-risk-programs SECRE done egillesp 970997 2019-05-30 UW
Integrated Devices for Early Disease Awareness and Translational Applications Lab Edit integrated-devices-early-awareness-lab ECE done epclemen 1069956 2020-07-14 UW
Integrated Quantum Optoelectronics Lab (IQOL) Edit integrated-quantum-optoelectronics-lab ECE done epclemen 1018761 2020-07-09 UW
Integrated Waste Management Model for Municipalities Edit integrated-waste-management-model-for-municipalities PLAN done nhstrake 503292 2016-05-05 UW
Intelligent Human-Machine Systems / 3D Imaging Laboratories Edit SYDE
Intelligent Integrated Radio and Photonics Group (IIRPG) Edit ECE culled m2biglar
Intelligent Robotics Experiment Edit ENG culled
Intelligent Technologies for Wellness and Independent Living (ITWIL) Lab Edit intelligent-technologies-wellness-independent-living SYDE done epclemen 672637 2017-11-02 UW
Inter-Institutional Forum of the Scarborough National Charter Edit inter-Institutional-forum-scarborough-national-charter VP-UREL j3good 2023-11-06 UW
Interdiscipinary Network for Esports Edit interdiscipinary-network-for-esports VP-URES cbilton UW
International Association for Green Energy Edit ENG
International Collegiate Programming Contest Edit international-collegiate-programming-contest CS done nbenedet 993618 2019-08-29 UW
International Conference on Atomic Physics 2020 Edit international-conference-atomic-physics VPA done a3ramsay 1036505 2020-02-04 Conference
International Conference on Autonomous and Intelligent Systems (AIS) Edit ECE culled
International Conference on Robust Statistics (ICORS) 2022 Edit international-conference-robust-statistics STATACTSC done nbenedet 1180007 2022-01-25 Conference
International Development Edit SEED culled gryder 224517 2012-04-12 UW
International Development Group Edit international-development-group MAT nbenedet 2021-11-23
International Development Student Conference Edit ART culled nkanumud
International Genetically Engineered Machine Team (iGEM) Edit ENG
International Graduate Students China Edit international-graduate-students-china VP-UREL culled m26lebla 621013 2017-08-03 Single-page
International Graduate Students Mexico Edit international-graduate-students-mexico VP-UREL culled m26lebla 626309 2017-08-03 Single-page
International Green Energy Conference 2010 Edit ME nzamel
International Industrial Training Program Edit ME sbedi
International Optometric Bridging Program Edit international-optometric-bridging-program OPTOM culled mathers 257721 2012-12-06 UW
International Shoulder Group 2014 Edit international-shoulder-group-2014 AHS culled mdouglas 308744 2013-11-05 UW
International Society for Gravitational Physiology 2014 Edit international-society-for-gravitational-physiology-2014 KIN culled mdouglas 295980 2013-10-01 UW
International Student Connection Edit FEDS culled
International Student Experience Edit international-students AP-STUD culled jhalcrow 230897 2012-03-29 UW
International Student Guide Edit international-student-guide AP-STUD done k2snyder 572042 2017-06-01 Publication
International Student Housing Guide Edit international-student-housing-guide AP-STUD culled jsbarch 733750 2018-01-30 Single-page
International Symposium on Fire Safety Science Edit international-symposium-on-fire-safety-science ENG done epclemen 922135 2018-11-29 Conference
International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Project (ITC) Edit PSYCH bee
International Trade Training Edit ART em2roger
International Undergraduate Students Edit international-undergraduate-students VP-UREL done epclemen 621945 2017-08-03 Single-page
International Women's Day Edit WS culled wphilpot 582750
interRAI Canada Edit interrai-canada HLTHGERON done mdouglas 565499 2017-05-11 UW
Iranian Students Association of Waterloo Edit FEDS
Iron Warrior Edit ENG
Irving Lab Edit irving-lab OPTOM done sforgrav 255293 2012-10-18 UW
Islamic Information Center of the University Waterloo Edit FEDS
Isolde Conference Edit isolde-conference MSCI done epclemen 1147983 2021-05-04 Conference
IST Nagios monitoring Edit IST not
IST Network Services Tools Edit IST sbourque
IST Project Management Office Edit ist-project-management-office IST done oostveen 327477 2015-01-13 UW
IST Web Integration Group Edit ist-web-integration-group IST culled j28kwan 494199 2016-05-03 UW
IST WebStore Edit IST
IST Windows Advancement Group Edit ist-windows-advancement-group IST done ltomalty 310529 2013-11-14 UW
IT Advisory Board Edit ist-advisory-board IST done mharford 729272 2018-03-22 UW
IT Professional Development Advisory Group Edit it-professional-development-advisory-group IST done n4lee 310388 2013-11-21 UW
IT Review Edit it-review IST done njenning 960281 2019-04-23 UW
IT service alerts Edit it-service-alerts IST done njenning 69785 UW
IT Service and Asset Management Program Edit it-service-asset-management IST culled ltomalty 260897 2012-11-29 UW
IT Service Desks Edit IST culled ltomalty 244929 2017-05-30 UW
IT Service Quality Program Edit IST culled swball 357169 UW
IT Services for Researchers Edit it-services-researchers IST njenning UW
IT Strategic Plan Edit it-strategic-plan IST culled njenning 251694 2012-10-09 UW
ITMS TelePresence Services Edit IST kbookan
iTSS Lab Edit CIVE
Japan Futures Initiative Edit japan-futures-initiative REN done n3schnar 395581 2015-07-30 Generic w wordmark
Jewish Studies Edit jewish-studies ART done em2roger 416735 2015-04-30 UW
Jira Edit IST
Jira Service Management Edit jira-service-management IST culled c52lu 1109430 2020-11-03 Single-page
JobMine Edit jobmine AP-COOP culled jradman 238928 2012-08-21 UW
Join Velocity Edit join-velocity VP-UREL culled m26lebla 518632 2016-05-26 Single-page
Joint Research Conference on Statistics in Quality, Industry, and Technology Edit joint-research-conference-statistics-quality-industry-technology MAT done nbenedet 2023-09-01 Conference
Just, Green Cities Edit just-green-cities PLAN culled jmtjendr 593975 2017-09-19 UW
Justice, Affect, & Morality (JAM) Lab Edit justice-affect-and-morality-lab PSYCH bee 2023-10-25
Kalyaanamoorthy Lab Edit kalyaanamoorthy-lab SCI sforgrav 2023-04-18 UW
Katzenback Lab Edit katzenback-lab BIOL done sforgrav 512604 2016-05-17 UW
